Exploring Perspectives on the U.S. and Syria

by Stephen J. Del Rosso, Program Director, International Peace and Security, Carnegie Corporation of New York


What the world chooses to do in response to the apparent use of chemical weapons in Syria will have major repercussions for the Middle East and beyond. At this critical moment, Carnegie Corporation of New York asked a selection of our International Peace and Security program grantees and other experts involved in our work to offer brief answers to these questions:

* What should the U.S. do about Syria?

* What are the likely consequences of military action?

* What are the likely consequences of not taking military action?

Our aim is to provide our readers with a variety of perspectives. We invite you to explore our contributors’ answers to these questions and to share these posts with others.

Stephen J. Del Rosso is program director, International Peace and Security, International Program at Carnegie Corporation of New York. This post is part of U.S.-Syria Perspectives, a project developed by the International Program at Carnegie Corporation.



Carnegie Corporation
International Peace and Security Program

Carnegie Corporation of New York was established by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 “to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding.”