Week 7 | Finalizing IRB & Artifact and Lit Reviews

10. 11.20

As of tomorrow, I will officially be submitting my IRB for review and am hoping to complete the approval process for my Expert Interview protocol and Student Survey by the end of next week.

In addition to this week's finalization of my IRB materials, I have also been working towards developing a framework for working through my literature and artifact reviews. In last week's 1:1 session with Stacie, she recommended that I consider reviewing some of the readings from the Learner Experience Design course that I took last Spring to aid in grounding my thesis in specific theories and methodologies. Although I wasn’t able to write Literature Reviews this week I plan on revisiting the following readings to help scaffold my next steps.

  • Ambrose — “How Learning Works”
    - Chapter 2: How Does the Way Students Organize Knowledge Affect Their Learning?
    - Chapter 4: How Do Students Develop Mastery?
  • Dirksen — Design for How People Learn?
    - Chapter 3: What is the Goal?
    - Chapter 5: How Do You Get Their Attention?
    - Chapter 7: Design for Skills?
  • McCarthy — About Teaching:4MAT in the Classroom
  • McTighe & Wiggins — The Six Facets of Understanding
  • The Third Teacher

I did have the chance to take a stab at writing two artifact reviews on for Xello a Canadian education software and the Life in Weeks framework.

The Xello product specifically aligns with my own project goals of designing a tool that would aid in confident decision making and providing students with individualized and customized experiences that would lead them to make confident decisions about their future career aspirations.

However, although Xello does offer it’s services to elementary, middle school, and high school students I am curious why they don’t offer their services to students post-high school graduation? It seems like this tool would be effective in all aspects of someone’s educational journey and not necessarily need to stop after you graduate from high school. Isn’t the post-high school experience the time when you make some of these most crucial and challenging decisions?

Images courtesy of Xello.

