
User Journey

Diana Minji Chun
Power To The Plants
3 min readDec 16, 2019


This is a brief explanation of the final user journey.


When visitor gets their ticket, the back of the ticket has a distinct QR code. This QR code do couple of things: one, it invites the visitor to the CMNH exploration mobile app and two, it identifies the visitor with the collection she or he is associated with so the visitor does not have to go through the extra step to set up the profile. Scanning the same QR code would allow multiple people to share a collection as well.


On the brief onboarding, visitors can choose their exploration from several lenses. We currently envision, birds of the feather (exploring the museum through birds narrative), Marvelous Mammals and Power to the Plants. However, we hope this can expand. Afterward, they type in their names (or nicknames) and the app invites the group of people to start a collection together. It gives the visitor a brief overview, objectives and how to participate.


The collection utilizes the mobile camera, sticker marker around the museum and AR technology. When the exhibition has collectible items, visitors would notice it through the marker or phone can notify the visitor through vibration. Upon scanning the marker, using the camera, the visitors can see how plants move, grow and bloom. They can see a brief description of the plants and they can collect them. After certain amount of diverse plants are collected, they unlock the Botany Hall experience.

Plant Time Walk

When the visitor enters the Botany Hall, they scan their mobile on the kiosk. multiple collections can be scanned for the joint experience. The collections get projected on the circle, starting with only the plants that existed in the periods that response to the circle. More plants come in as visitors steps through the Plant Time Walk. Some plants get added, some plants falls off- indicating its extinction. Each circle has immersive soundscape and narration such as- “water plants moved to land” or “bees come into the scene and flowers came into existence.”


The Plant Time Walk culminates to the final circle area- Anthropocene. This closed-off space is green with all the different plant species that exist today. This circle start as same as other circles: the soundscapes and narration about the period. However, it talks about how human industrial revolutions, urbanization played a role in the change of plant evolution. In the end, it invites visitors to see their collection through 200 years of modern history by interacting with the dial.

Projection-Dial interaction

Takeaway and Revisit

When visitor concludes his or her experiences, the mobile apps give them a digital wallpaper to remember the collection that she got to learn about. We hope that completing one exploration would motivate the visitors to revisit and try out the other explorations through other lenses.



Diana Minji Chun
Power To The Plants

Microsoft Product Designer, MDes Carnegie Mellon, Co-Design Advocate