Choropleth Map of Median Incomes in Illinois Counties

This map shows each individual county in the state of Illinois along with the median incomes of an entire household in each county. The lighter the color of the county, the lower the income of an average household. The five points labeled on the map detail specific major cities in Illinois to paint a better picture of why some areas may be darker than others.

Around Chicago and Aurora the median incomes are significantly higher than the majority of the rest of the state. Bloomington, Peoria, and Springfield are also a bit higher than a lot of other counties since all of these bulleted points are typically more populated. Aurora and Chicago are also much more expensive cities to live in than others. In 2018 specifically, Cook and DuPage county were listed as the two most expensive areas in Illinois.



Carolyn R. Lundin
Carolyn’s BCA Publication

I write about my experiences in public relations and marketing workspaces, along with tips and tricks I'm learning in my specialist position.