Internship diary of a marketing intern at Carousell Taiwan

Natalie Lim
Carousell Insider
Published in
11 min readJul 4, 2022

Written by Esther Hsu
Chinese version included after the English version

Esther at Carousell Taiwan office

Driven by a passion and curiosity towards marketing and secondhand business, I joined Carousell as a marketing intern prior to graduation. Before I walked into the office with the pretty red wall, I had imagined several times what the people and things were like there. Everything was beyond my imagination, and even much better. I would like to share my experiences to record the good time here.

“At Carousell, we believe in Share Possible.”

The reason why I had a strong passion and desire to join Carousell is because I have been a user on the platform for more than three years; not only selling or buying products, but also sharing or contacting others in friendly encounters within the app. I have met a lot of nice in-app users as well as earning cash during my college life. In addition, with rapid growth in the new economy and business, secondhand sales have the potential to cater to people’s demand and desire.

“Inspire every person in the world to start selling and buying to make more possible for one another.”

What better way to promote the great vision and mission than to join the Carousell? People at Carousell believe in more than just buying and selling; in the power of shared possibilities that people bring. Through every buyer, seller and listing, we believe there’s opportunity beyond the transaction.

Step outside the comfort zone: Learnings and challenges

Working in a fast-paced start-up, keeping an open mind and having a high-energy mindset are needed to adapt to new changes, as well as take on challenges whenever necessary. Marketing interns are mainly in charge of developing a campus project, including content writing for Facebook, Instagram, Carousell blog and Dcard online forum, coordinating partnerships in different social channels, etc. in order to motivate more potential users and non-active users to find interests in Carousell. Due to my fan page management experiences in school, I am good at writing articles to attract readers’ attention. Through posts and articles shared on social media, I improved the awareness and impression of Carousell’s brand, enhancing favorability effectively. I am truly proud of devoting myself to things I do well, however, I also encounter challenges in other parts of my job.

Data research and effectiveness evaluation are quite important in the process of the project. We often have to analyze features and results from data, and then provide feedback and insight to modify or strengthen current strategies. As a matter of fact, I lacked the experience to manage or analyze data, so I spend more time learning and dealing with work in this aspect. Fortunately, the mentor and manager in the marketing team kindly taught us details, provided useful advice, and found information that might be needed for us to overcome difficulties. At the same time, interns are encouraged to try new methods and alternatives that influenced the progress of our project. I genuinely appreciated any help I received in Carousell, and these experiences turn into powers that stand by me to navigate in my future career path.


Carousell welcomes people from various backgrounds, with different personalities, interests and dreams. As a team of passionate individuals working together to solve meaningful problems, there is so much more for everyone to discover in a career with Carousell. Carousell stimulates new ideas, knowledge, and thoughts in my existing patterns of behavior and cognition in my internship life. Last but not least, empowered by Carousell, employees have sufficient freedom and autonomy in the work process. Team-onboarding, workshops and a lot of activities are held online and offline for members to connect with each other closely.

When it comes to the final day of my internship life, I just recall the quote ”How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard (Winnie the Pooh).” Until we meet again, Carousell!

【Carousell 旋轉拍賣】初入新創英文系的行銷小白實習記

早上九點半,我踏出捷運站出口,彼時沿途喧鬧的商店街都還未開張,走入一棟街邊寧靜的商業大樓,電梯帶著我,抵達了工業風的紅色復古辦公室 — 旋轉拍賣台灣研發中心 (TWDC)。「新創是什麼? 」、「二手拍賣平台是什麼? 」、「行銷又在做什麼?」,在旋轉拍賣,每個人都可以找到屬於自己的答案。


畢業前三個月,懷揣著一絲期待與緊張的心情,我來到了旋轉拍賣,沒有華麗氣派的裝潢與充滿距離感的同事,取而代之的是溫馨的暖色調辦公空間,與熱情打招呼的人們。第一天,在換上紅色的旋轉拍賣 T-shirt 後,緊接著的是一連串 Onboarding 行程與新加坡英文會議洗禮,讓還未進入狀況的我一邊忙碌地寫著筆記, 一邊高速運轉腦袋、整理思緒。

CPC、CPR、ER ……各式各樣的英文縮寫與行銷用詞佔據了我的筆記本,大學四年裡已經習慣了在文學作品晦澀繁複的詞藻中細思慢想,過於簡潔的商業溝通方式,讓我一時之間有些難以招架,然而這樣的衝突卻也是我跨出舒適圈後的另一種收穫。適應步調快速的 Start-up 運作模式與生態、調整心態與提升學習的敏銳度,成為我實習生活的第一個挑戰,同時也在我既有的行為與思考模式中注入了新的刺激和改變。


實習的三個月期間,撰寫社群貼文、論壇與部落格文章是我的例行性工作。在資訊爆炸且變動快速的世代下,人們日常瀏覽社群影音與文章的習慣不變,甚至期待著更多變化、刺激與驚喜,如何在例行性工作中產出多元化內容並扣合品牌形象,且又能引起讀者給予預期內的反映?社群行銷與內容行銷的重要性與影響力又該如何發揮? 諸如此類在工作中衍生思考的數個疑問,成為了我實習生活初期的第二個挑戰。











Natalie Lim
Carousell Insider

I share all sorts of stories about Carousell — from sellers and buyers to the team working behind the scenes.