5 Steps To Overcome Your Imposter Syndrome

I recently read that up to 82% of people have imposter syndrome.

Carpe Diem Daily Inspiration


Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash

What is this weird syndrome? According to Wikipedia, it’s the doubt in your skills, talents, or accomplishments. It’s the belief that you don’t deserve your luck or success, and you have the fear of getting exposed as a fraud.

According to me and my experiences imposter syndrome is a feeling of not deserving the position and success I currently have. Sometimes you have the feeling that you don’t fit in here and that everyone around is much smarter than you. You have the feeling that you don’t know anything.

I often had the feeling before exams: I studied a lot but right before an exam I feel like I don’t know anything. The good thing is: this was never the case, I always had good grades despite the feeling of not knowing anything.

“I still have a little imposter syndrome… It doesn’t go away, that feeling that you shouldn’t take me that seriously. What do I know? I share that with you because we all have doubts in our abilities, about our power and what that power is.”

— Michelle Obama

Reading that 82% of people have the syndrome changed my perspective of the world. I always thought that I am one of the only ones who feel that way.



Carpe Diem Daily Inspiration

Writing about my strategies for self-growth, introversion and productivity. Get my guide: karina-ahrer.com/boost-your-productivity/