Do The Thing You Are Afraid Of Repeatedly

I never liked to do presentations as a kid or a teenager. Who really likes those book presentations at school?

Carpe Diem Daily Inspiration


Photo by Product School on Unsplash

“One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.”

— Henry Ford

At every presentation, I was really nervous, my hands were shaking, my voice was not steady and I was searching for words.

I hate this feeling. People are looking at you. They see every detail and hear every mistake, and the teacher is judging you. You prepared a text that you almost know from memory. But suddenly all the words you wanted to say are gone. You are nervously looking at the prepared sheets in your hand, but you cannot read them because you are shaking. That’s a really awful feeling.

After high school finished I thought that I never have to do those terrible presentations again. I was wrong. Doing presentations at school is one thing you will probably need your whole life in almost every job sooner or later.

At University

The presentations didn’t stop, because in Architecture you always have at least 2 presentations of your project every semester. This time you worked on your…



Carpe Diem Daily Inspiration

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