Spoilers are coming … here’s how to avoid them

Anne Whelton
Carphone Warehouse Ireland
3 min readMay 3, 2016

Game of Thrones is back this Sunday night — well Monday morning at 2am if you live on this side of the pond — and while some may be staying up to watch the first episode of season six, most of us will be tucked up in bed and unable to catch-up with Jon Snow and the gang until at least Monday evening. The problem with this however, is that the internet is dark and full of spoilers. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to avoid them, apart from hiding under a rock for the day that is.

Install a spoiler blocker

If you haven’t already heard of spoiler blocker extensions for Chrome, you’re in for a treat. One of the most popular is Spoiler Alert as it covers a range of TV shows, movies and events — so you might also want to block Captain America: Civil War spoilers while you’re at it.

Simply install the free extension through the Google Chrome Store, activate it and hey presto, any online page you land on — accidentally or on purpose — that mentions Game of Thrones will be scanned and ‘offending’ content blocked. It’s also easy to turn on and off, so if you want to read some articles and reviews after you’ve seen the episode you can just switch off the alert.

Stay off Facebook

While Spoiler Alert can help with blocking Game of Thrones related-content on social media, if you want to go a step further, either stay off Facebook for the entire day — difficult we know — or try another extension like F.B. Purity, which is specifically for Facebook spoilers.

Available for any browser, F.B. Purity offers lots of different filters so you can choose to block just video posts and/or text and images. At the top of your regular feed on Facebook you’ll be able to see exactly how many posts have been removed so it should be easy to see who the chief ‘spoiler’ culprit is.

Use TweetDeck

If you use Twitter for work and simply can’t stay offline all day, TweetDeck is the only way to go to avoid spoilers. On TweetDeck for desktop, simple click on ‘Settings’ and ‘Mute’. Here you can pop in lots of keywords including Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen, Dragons, Iron Throne, Jon Snow etc. and never have to worry about coming across spoilers in your feed.

Don’t talk to anyone or go outside …

The perfect solution; take the day off and stay in bed, oblivious to everything going on in the outside world. In fact, why not go live under a rock?

Become the spoiler

Sick of John in Accounts ruining House of Cards on you because he watched the entire series before anyone else? Get your revenge by using Spoil Me or SpoilerTV — yes some evil geniuses have created websites that literally spoils almost every movie and TV show you can think of in one line or less. Just don’t blame us if John and the rest of your colleagues never talk to you again …

Originally published at www.carphonewarehouse.ie on April 22, 2016.



Anne Whelton
Carphone Warehouse Ireland

Editor, copywriter, occasional journalist and muser based in Dublin.