Before You Finish Your Morning Coffee, Do This!

One simple thing to feel good and make others feel good too.

CJ Rose
4 min readAug 25, 2020


Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times since March.

“We’re in unprecedented times.”

“You know, with everything going on right now.”

“It sure is crazy out there.”

No matter how you look at it, we truly are experiencing something that our generation has never seen before. And even if you’re someone who is completely fine with working remotely and being home alone reading Medium articles, remember that some people might be experiencing the pandemic in different ways. You’ve heard that saying, check on your “strong” friend. Well, even that strong friend who is always there with sound advice and a listening ear might not have all the answers right now.

So, before you’ve taken that final sip of coffee, or before you hop into the shower to get your day started, I want you to do something for me — and for yourself.

Send a message, a voice note, an email, or at the very least the heart emoji to someone you care about.

It could be someone you talk to every day or even someone you haven't talked too in months. Could be an old friend that you think about all the time, but never see anymore. Maybe it’s someone that you wish was in your life more, but for one reason or another it hasn't worked out that way. Send them a message that you would be delighted to receive, and one that makes you feel good sending. Tell them you care. Ask how they are doing. Say you miss them. Express how proud you are of them.

Why? Because we don't say it enough. We don’t tell our friends how much they mean to us. We also forget to acknowledge our co-workers who we spend hours of our lives with. We owe it to ourselves to once in a while be open and vulnerable with our peers and let them know that they are important to us and that we care about their lives.

It might feel weird. That’s OK.

Your friend might react strangely to the message, or not know how to react at all because we just don’t do this enough with each other. And know that whatever weirdness you may feel, on the other side of that weirdness is personal growth through vulnerability. And no one who values you in their life is going to feel wary that you cared enough to check on them.

It’s not about what we say, but that we simply took the time to say it. It doesn't need to be a long emotional text, or even that well thought out.

iMessage screenshot reading, “I miss you, and this whole thing sucks right now.”
Screenshots provided by the author

“I miss you, and this whole thing sucks right now” is just as impactful. Be honest and be real. This situation sucks. It’s sad. People have lost their jobs, and many have lost family members. It’s okay to express your uncensored-self.

iMessage screenshot reading, “You inspire me. I love seeing you succeed & just wanted you to know how great I think you are”

Or let them know that you think they are doing something amazing and that they inspire you. The fact that you’re paying attention to their life and showing an interest in the things they’re working toward, is a week's worth of confidence.

What an amazing feeling it is when people we care about, show that they care about us.

iMessage screenshot reading, “I was thinking about you. We should FaceTime this week”

Never underestimate the simple act of reaching out. Making an effort is half the battle for any successful relationship.

Being vulnerable may feel scary. You might even feel like you’re setting yourself up to fail. But when you’re done — it could feel amazing. You might feel proud and stronger for doing it. You might feel more connected, and happy knowing that your message may have touched someone and all it took was one simple act of kindness and compassion.



CJ Rose
Writer for

Product Creator | Writer | Owner of The Satirical List