Dark Matter Explained!

Published in
10 min readFeb 9, 2021


The electron is dark-energy expressed.

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Let’s start with the electron, because the structural explanation of Dark Matter is based on accepting the concept that we live in two realities at the same time, energy-wise. The electron is pulled into the material reality from a distinct dark-energy reality. Naturally, this means accepting two realities as possible at the same time; matter formed via two distinct pathways.

In the Big Whisper model, there is not one, but there are two closed systems for energy. In this article, a slow unraveling of all parts is presented.

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The basic subatomic environment is that there are neutrons, protons and electrons. There are smaller particles, the quarks, but the subatomic level of these three parts is already sufficient to see the larger field in which we know matter exists.

The neutron is a neutrally-charged subatomic particle, located in the center of the atom. One could see it as the perfect outcome, were it not that it is just one of the three outcomes we are dealing with at this level. But of the three, the neutron is a fully balanced outcome by itself.

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Understanding Dark Matter starts first with focusing on the relationship between the two other subatomic particles, proton and electron.

