Looking Ahead into Our Future

8 Ways Our Lives Will Change With Autonomous Driving Technology

A glimpse into the impacts of autonomous driving on the human lifestyle

Jan Dabrowski


A moving autonomously driven car analyses the road ahead, spotting a car, a pedestrian crossing the road, and a bike rider. The screen displays the path ahead for passengers inside.
An autonomous car scanning a street for objects-a conceptual image. (Courtesy-123rf)

Vehicles are an inevitable part of human society. Without vehicles, the movement of people and things would be impossible. But, imagine a world where all vehicles are driven by computers. People just have to get inside and the vehicle would drive on its own. With the new autonomous vehicle technology, this will be our new reality in a few years. Curious to know what it would be like to live in such a world? This article discusses the multiple changes we will see in our society once autonomous vehicles become the new normal.

To put it briefly, autonomous vehicles are computer-driven vehicles that can track objects using cameras and technologies like LIDAR and RADAR. It detects other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians, or other obstacles and drives accordingly, stopping when needed.

With such advanced capabilities, autonomous cars will revolutionize not just the automobile industry but also our lifestyle. Life will definitely become easier and the way we approach travel will change forever. Let’s take a detailed look at how these changes will affect our lives.

1. Improved Safety

Increased safety is the greatest benefit of autonomous vehicles. Since the computer makes all decisions while driving, the human error factor would be eliminated. This will lower accident rates significantly and save thousands of lives every day. Research suggests that accidents can be reduced by 94% if we adopt autonomous vehicles. These are fitted with computers having low response time that can react almost instantaneously if an obstacle appears. Remember, an average driver takes 0.5 second to react to a sudden movement while driving. So automated vehicles take good care of us and let us ride peacefully.

Besides, many safety boards and road safety markings can be eliminated, saving millions of dollars every year.

2. Radical Shift in Travel Preferences

With autonomous technology in place, cabs will arrive at doorsteps and drop you at your destination. You can hire vehicles of any size. Better still, you can get autonomous cab rides at self-driving fares. This means people will no longer need to own vehicles because the cost of using autonomous cabs would be much lower than that of owning a vehicle.

People will also have the option to travel by a combination of autonomous cars and autonomous bus rides. For example, there would be options to ride either in a single step or multiple steps which may involve changing at interchange hubs. The first option would cost more, owing to greater comfort, while the second option would be cheap as pooling becomes possible.

When compared to autonomous vehicle technology, railways are superfluous and expensive. The schedules are inflexible and it takes more time and energy to catch a train ride. So autonomous vehicles are clearly the better choice here. With more people opting for autonomous vehicles, railways would no longer be needed.

Airways are another mode of transportation that would be sidelined with the arrival of unmanned vehicles. You can travel comfortably from door-to-door in autonomous vehicles. People can work or relax without facing the hassle of checking in and out of the airport. So flying would make sense only if your destination is far away or overseas.

3. More Productive Travel

Longer rides in autonomous vehicles give people lots of time to spare. They can use this time for useful activities. People can work, eat, watch movies, read books and newspapers, or sleep inside their cabins. Also, by just giving the right instructions, you can eat from any restaurant or bakery with a drive-through service. For longer travels, more comfortable vehicles can be used. Overall, travel will become a whole lot more productive than ever.

A young woman reading while the car moves autonomously, representing the autonomous technology.
Driving will no longer be an activity that needs attention. With autonomous vehicles, you can invest time in other activities like reading. Image courtesy-123rf

4. Smoother Traffic

Autonomous vehicles are expected to hit the roads within a decade. Through optimization and flawless connectivity between vehicles, traffic jams will be avoided and everyone will benefit from this. Also, since the volume of passengers will decide the volume of cars required, traffic will become more controlled and smooth-running.

5. Less Fossil Fuel Burnt

-. In the coming years, algorithms will determine the most efficient fuel for autonomous vehicles. This could be electricity, hydrogen, or traditional fuel. Assuming there would be less fossil fuel burnt, pollution levels will fall. In a world that is badly affected by climate change and environmental degradation, this will be a welcome change.

6. More Free Spaces

With autonomous vehicles easily accessible upon demand, people don’t have to own vehicles. Hence, we won’t need parking spaces in the cities anymore as they can be parked outside city limits, in unoccupied areas. This will free up acres of space in major cities, which can be used for other purposes. For instance, parking lots outside buildings can become venues to hold outdoor events.

Not just that, in an autonomous cab system, vehicles become more precise, allowing pedestrians to use more space. In other words, optimal use of road space would be possible.

7. More Freedom in Choosing Residences

People choose their residence close to their workplace. This is to save time and energy lost in commuting back and forth every day. But autonomous vehicles allow people to drive to work at longer distances comfortably and enable them to use the time effectively for starting their work or eating breakfast. So people will no longer be forced to live close to their offices. And residences will not necessarily need public transport connectivity anymore as autonomous vehicles can reach even the far-flung corners.

With the new system in place, people would be free to stay in the catchment areas and outskirts of major cities, away from the densely crowded cities. This would lead to a rise in demand for land and properties in these regions which used to be unknown before. Larger catchment areas will attract more buyers and see a price rise.

8. Other Labor Requirements

The changes in automobile usage and people’s lifestyle would have a huge impact on the labor market. As vehicles become autonomous, we will need fewer cab drivers, bus drivers, truck drivers, and train crew.

But since autonomous vehicles may be shared by multiple persons every day, vehicles will need strict maintenance. Sanitization, cleanliness, and care should be strictly maintained. This may give rise to new labor opportunities.

New Demands Generated

With the above changes becoming reality, a new set of technological demands will rise. Let’s check out the major changes needed to cope with this shift.

1. Changes Needed in Vehicle Design

Travel would involve longer durations and people would want to indulge in many activities. So it is essential to ensure the privacy of each traveler. The best way to achieve this would be to allow a private cabin for each passenger. Cars with multiple locked cabins would be the ideal solution for this. And car manufacturers will have to commercially produce such vehicles.

Since people will spend more time inside cars, the focus will shift from design to efficiency, in order to make their time more productive. For instance, vehicles would no longer have steerings and seatbelts. Instead, cars will have comfortable armchairs. In vehicles meant for longer journeys, this can be a bed.

2. Other Technical Changes Needed

With autonomous vehicles set to rule the roads, efficient communication between vehicles is absolutely necessary. Vehicles need to communicate with each other so that traffic remains smooth. Only then will the system be as beneficial as expected. This demands more intelligent logistics and networking technologies. For example, vehicles will have to relay the timings and details of each customer booking with the traffic monitor to ensure that time is not lost on blockages. This will ensure that everyone has an easy travel experience.

A busy highway with moving cars maintaining safe distance from each other. The graphic lines connecting every car to the nearby car shows autonomous driving technology staying updated about their position in traffic.
Autonomous vehicles will stay connected to each other for a smooth traffic experience-a conceptual image(Image Courtesy-Freepik).

Autonomous vehicles will make traffic highly efficient. With this, we can afford to stop using other modes of transport like railways. The space occupied by railway lines can be used for making more green spaces, buildings, and parks. It also means the government can focus on just one type of infrastructure, the roadways. This will be highly beneficial for the national economy.

For autonomous cab services, transits are essential. This requires the construction of new interchange hubs similar to train stations or bus stations.


As of now, we’re on our way to witnessing a world of unmanned vehicles. From picking you up right at your doorstep to letting you eat, dine, and sleep mid-ride, to dropping you at your destination, autonomous vehicles are an all-inclusive innovation. As a species heavily reliant on travel, human beings will benefit from the convenience brought by autonomous vehicles. But, let us hope that this upgraded comfort doesn’t increase traffic volume beyond safe limits and overcompensate for all the efficiency gains.



Jan Dabrowski
Writer for

Hello Everyone, I'm Jan Dabrowski, Engineer, unconventional thinker and have a free spirit.