Idealism is a Form of Personal Development

The happy medium between optimistic & realistic

Alicia Wilcox


Illustration: Justin Cassano

I am an idealist.

Idealists believe in and actively pursue the visions and beliefs that exist in their minds. Idealists are those that believe they can save the world.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones that do.” — Steve Jobs

Idealists are encouraged and motivated by their minds. They are always eager to achieve their highest potential and live out their grandest visions. Although their magnificent ideas only exist in their head, they eventually learn how to get there by taking wisdom from the great thinkers of the past who have succeeded long before them.

Modern idealism states that there are two worlds: the material world and the world of the mind.

I believe that most idealists end up merging the two.

As an idealist, I often hear remarks from others, calling me naive or unrealistic. While others have no problem living in the moment and reacting to what’s there, I live to create what I wish to be there.

This can be detrimental because when you’re always working for more, you are continually…

