Let’s Build a Sustainable Future!

REES Africa
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2020
© urbanizehub.com

by Nehemiah Eremiye

Extreme poverty anywhere is a threat to security everywhere” — Koffi Annan

Poverty and discrimination are challenges we face in our society. Many are condemned to fate struggling to access the necessities of life and scourging in the deep blue sea of malnutrition, hunger, poverty, and social discrimination. It is quite controversial that despite the massive level of economic development and unprecedented technological and innovative disruptions; we face the daunting problem of poverty.

These challenges defy all odds to question our humanity, ravage our economies and destabilizes our resilience. It is appalling that millions of individuals around the world scourge in extreme poverty characterized by a lack of income, capabilities to live in dignity, and violation of their human rights.

According to recent statistical reports from the World Bank, 10 percent of the global population lives on less than the US $1.90 a day. This implies that over 760 million people live below the poverty line, with Sub-Saharan Africa having the highest hit with 41 percent of her population living below the estimated poverty line. This is a cause for concern. Therefore, we need to come together to end poverty and discrimination in our society.

On the flip side, it is pertinent to understand that poverty is not just an economic problem. Instead, it is a multidimensional problem encompassing the economic, social, and other varying dimensions. The multidimensional approach to poverty can be understood through the Multidimensional Poverty Index encompassing the three dimensions to poverty. They are Health (nutrition and child mortality), Education (years of schooling, school attendance), and Standard of living (cooking food, sanitation, drinking water, electricity, assets).

These indicators are the yardstick for quantifying poverty in our society. And the lack of an adequate standard of living, education, and access to health services has resulted in the marginalization of the poor in many societies and countries.

Interestingly, poverty and discrimination entrench the core fundamentals of varying problems in our society. And if they are not addressed fully, attaining economic, social, and environmental sustainability will be just another fairy tale.

How Can We Come Together to End Poverty and Discrimination?

“Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated; to come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty” — Father Joseph Wrensinski.

Coming together to build a sustainable future through the eradication of poverty and discrimination in our society is our collective responsibility, most especially in the purview of a post-COVID-19 situation. And we can only achieve our goal when all hands are on board.

We all have a role to play in ending poverty and discrimination in the society. And that implies that the government, international organizations, and individuals must collaborate. Our roles are not exhaustive but collaborative to put an end to poverty and discrimination.


The government has a critical role to play in the eradication of poverty and discrimination. Since the concentration of poverty and discrimination differs based on the country, each country requires a specific strategy in the eradication of this social menace. However, the government can contribute to the building of a sustainable future aimed at eradicating poverty and discrimination by:

  • Creating and improving access to decent jobs for all which will suffice with reasonable remuneration to ensure a minimum standard of living.
  • Providing access to quality social services (potable water, clean energy, electricity, education, necessities of life, and other social services).
  • Investing in human capital and infrastructural development.
  • Providing access to technology and innovation aimed at boosting economic and social development.
  • Developing and implementing rapid and sustained economic growth policies and programs targeting the vulnerable group in the society with the purview of reducing their poverty status.

International Organizations

International Organizations play an active role in eradicating poverty and discrimination in our society. They play their part through commitments to the global action in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. They also reduce poverty and discrimination through:

  • Foreign Aids and Developmental Support which could have been debased owing to the incident of corruption in various developing countries. However, foreign aids and developmental support for vulnerable people in identified countries and regions are provided as a means of eradicating poverty and discrimination in society.
  • Developmental projects such as infrastructural development and human capital are embarked upon to eradicate poverty and discrimination within the society.
  • Collaboration with governments, civil societies, Non-Government Organizations, and stakeholders to concert actions towards eradicating poverty and ensuring sustainability in our society.


In the words of John F. Kennedy, ‘Do not ask what your country will do for you rather ask what you will do for your country.’ As individuals, we have a strategic role to play in our society in the eradication of poverty and discrimination. This can be achieved by:

  • Helping and assisting identified vulnerable people in our local communities
  • Cooperating with the government to ensure that welfare packages and relief materials get to identified individuals in society.
  • Collaborating and volunteering with organizations focused on reducing poverty and ensuring sustainability in our society.


We need to recognize the struggles of the impoverished and make their voices heard by governments and citizens. And this can only be achieved through our collaborative effort. Indeed, building a sustainable future through the eradication of poverty and discrimination starts with you and me.



REES Africa
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