Tempted by Technology

Joshua Beck
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2020


If there’s any one thing that we can insinuate from my tech stories over the last few months, it is that I am continuously tempted by new technology. It doesn’t necessarily have to be brand new- just new to me- but without fail, new gadgets have caught my eye whenever I’ve discovered them.

Take, for example, the Samsung Galaxy Buds Live (read: the beans); I didn’t need them, I wasn’t sure I wanted them, but I absolutely had to try them. The same could be said for the plethora of computers I’ve picked up and returned to Best Buy- I just couldn’t get the bug out of my head until I held them in my own hands and tried working on them.

I’m blaming the pandemic; I’ve never had so much free time sitting at home with nowhere to go. Granted, I wasn’t the most social person prior to COVID, but at least my attention would be split with anticipating new movies (and subsequently going to see them), or driving to and from work (I’ve been working from home since May), or even just going out to dinner (delivery is our new norm). And while I’ve watched the length of YouTube and caught up on many TV shows I’d missed, I’ve found myself constantly bored and looking for something to occupy my time. Some days, it is moving furniture around the house to see what works best where. But when I’m not inclined to move around recliners (or when I’m trying to stay off my feet after breaking my pinky toe in…



Joshua Beck

I am just clever enough to get into trouble…