The Wave of Change Needs Us All

Q&A Flow Future. My first follower on Patreon is an interesting one. Ready for a surfer’s ride on a wave of wisdom?

Desiree Driesenaar
Published in
7 min readOct 14, 2020


Fractals in a wave. The painting by Katsushika Hokusai is shared by the Metropolitan Museum of Art on commons.wikimedia.

Last week, I started a Patreon account for two reasons. The first one is that I really want to open up my knowledge of nature-based solutions, regenerative business models, systemic thinking, and storytelling to a vast number of people.

I think our broken world needs all the help she can get.

The second one is that I want to have a basic income, providing for our modest basic needs, so we (Mike and I) can be free to contribute our wisdom, knowledge and hands-on doing wherever it’s needed most. And where it’s needed most is often not the same place as where money is available to pay us.

Broken ecosystems, compassionate people, and regenerative startups.

We are all drops in the wave of change. So I thought, maybe my readers will feel inspired enough to contribute to this wave of change and be a drop.

But of course, I want to give back to my patrons. Reciprocity is my middle name. I’m not in for a cheap ride, I want to be challenged and use my time in a purposeful way. Inspiring, creating value, and giving practical tools.

