What If The System That We’ve Got Could Bring The System That Could Be?

Steve McAlphabet
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2020


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

There was a time when I did not used to vote. I felt that it was giving others undue authority over me if I participated in the system they established. I’m sure that many feel that way now, and if you happen to be of this mindset, I would ask you to reconsider the possibilities.

Having looked at the various isms that we are offered, I can say that I am mostly drawn toward anarchism. Some confuse the ideology with the anarchy that the Sex Pistols sang about or some hysterical, chaotic, madcap reality of utter craziness. Yet the roots of anarchism are more about the idea of self rule, giving people the power to make their own decisions and respecting their space to do so.

Over the course of the last 10,000 years or so, as we have developed the civilization we know, we have not had anarchism. We have constructed a number of hierarchies that have been ruled by kings, pharaohs, sultans, presidents, etc. But the American experiment was the first time in human history that we pushed the needle closer toward the idealism of true anarchy by embracing the notion of democracy.

Obviously, anarchy and democracy are not the same thing. Some would also argue that a republic and a democracy are not the same thing. However, if you are of the belief that the human species is, in fact…



Steve McAlphabet

Steve releases a new song every week. This summer, he is taking his 4th multi-state motorcycle trip to reach his goal of riding to all 48 contiguous states.