What Software Languages ​​does NASA Prefer for Rockets?

What computer language does NASA use?

Kurt F.


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

NASA is the most well-known agency responsible for space exploration and exploration. NASA, which has witnessed a lot of development since its establishment in 1958, continues to attract attention today. Space exploration, which takes place every year, reaches millions with live broadcasts, and this situation has become more exciting through popular culture and platforms such as youtube.

So, do some of those who want to witness the launch of rockets into space know something about the software used in NASA? “Yes or No” is not important until now. Let’s try to answer this question briefly in this post.

NASA has used many different programming languages ​​throughout its history. Even today, different computer programs are used for different applications. For example, HAL / S has been used for many NASA spacecraft, including the Space Shuttle. Today, ground computers use languages ​​such as C ++, Python and MATLAB.

Many people imagine that most programming languages ​​that already exist are being used somewhere in NASA. However, there is a list of software languages ​​that NASA prioritizes use, which does not change very often.

