Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me This Before I Became An Entrepreneur?

The SLS Brand
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2023

Entrepreneurship is a realm that grants me the artistic liberty and professional autonomy to explore fresh avenues while ditching age-old practices. This exciting journey showers me with opportunities to tackle consumer and employee challenges, ultimately infusing value into communities. Amidst the hustle of managing finances, my business concerns are surprisingly minimal. But let me tell you about the seven lessons I had to learn the hard way — lessons that textbooks, mentors, and professors couldn’t teach me — lessons that only experience could unveil.

  1. Unconventional Support: It’s a surprising twist, but the people closest to me aren’t always the pillars of support I’d expect. When I embarked on my entrepreneurial voyage, I presumed those who’ve known me the longest would be my strongest supporters. However, it turns out, familiarity can breed complacency. As I shifted my focus to my business, I noticed changes in myself that perplexed my inner circle. They’ve known me before the grand launch, and, truth be told, they’ve taken me for granted. They don’t see the genius in my plans or the brilliance of my million-dollar vision. To them, I’m just the person who doesn’t hang out as much anymore. Spark flies when I mention payment for my products and services. Lesson learned: treat loved ones as they are, not as business associates.
  2. Connecting with Customers: Crafting a compelling brand message is important, but connecting with my customers is paramount. I once overlooked the vital step of engaging with my intended audience, resulting in a missed connection with my target market. I’ve learned the hard way to actively seek feedback from a sample group within my audience. Their insights give me a fresh perspective on whether my message hits the mark. Learning how my customers want to be communicated with has become an integral part of my commitment to them.
  3. The Science of Logo Design: Designing a logo is exhilarating, but my enthusiasm needed a reality check. My own artistic preferences might not align with what resonates with my audience. Science guides the psychology of colors and shapes, elements that should define my logo. An eye-catching logo is great, but understanding the deeper impact of design choices on my customers is paramount. After all, what’s more valuable: a cool logo or a thriving business?
  4. Power of a Strong Team: The myth of the lone wolf entrepreneur is shattered. I’ve realized that a thriving business thrives on the strength of a cohesive team. Delegation isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a strategy for success. Trusting my team with my mission and values, and allowing them to infuse their own flair, has been instrumental. A clear mission, vision, and operational procedures are essential in ensuring we’re all on the same page.
  5. The Grit of Entrepreneurship: Building something extraordinary demands an unparalleled commitment. It’s a crash course in my industry, where I must be the guru. Juggling social media, marketing, client acquisition, and stellar customer service leaves no room for slacking. Comparing this to a cushy corporate job? There’s no competition.
  6. Learning from Competition: The competition is no longer the enemy. It’s a lesson in humility to acknowledge that they’ve been around longer and are more established. Rather than a cutthroat rivalry, my approach has evolved into a learning exercise. Partnerships with competitors can be mutually beneficial, especially for startups craving experience. The true competition? It’s me, myself, and I. Striving to outdo yesterday’s me is my new competition.
  7. Financial Wisdom: Banks aren’t in the charity business, nor are they gamblers. They only lend to those who show they don’t need the money. I’ve embraced the importance of solid financial management and an impressive credit score. If I prove I can handle my finances responsibly, banks open their vaults. No blame game here; it’s business, pure and simple.

As I reflect on my entrepreneurial expedition, these seven lessons stand tall as my guiding beacons. They’re not just insights; they’re mantras that anchor me in a sea of uncertainty. By nurturing effective communication, embracing customer insights, fostering teamwork, persisting through challenges, learning from others, and mastering financial acumen, I’m steering my ship towards not only personal triumph but also community empowerment. My journey — marked by its trials and triumphs — serves as a roadmap for those who wish to dive headfirst into entrepreneurship with clarity, resilience, and unwavering determination.

