Empowering Maritime Professionals: Smart Routing Engines Streamline Work and Enhance Efficiency

Lufthansa Industry Solutions (LHIND) is at the forefront of redefining maritime logistics through its partnership with a shipping company, merging cutting-edge digital solutions with enhanced human oversight. This transformative approach not only optimizes operational efficiencies but also elevates the roles and job satisfaction of maritime professionals.

The age-old romance of seafaring, complete with extended layovers and cultural explorations in foreign ports, has largely been supplanted by an era of high efficiency in trade and transport. This transformation began notably with the introduction of the shipping container in the 1950s and has rapidly evolved with the ongoing wave of digitalization affecting every facet of the industry. As we transition into this digital era, the question emerges: How do these technological advancements reshape the roles and responsibilities of those within the maritime sector?

As we have shown in our previous posts, the introduction of new technologies and applications demands not only a broader range of skills but also fosters a deeper integration between business and IT departments. For seafarers, possessing nautical expertise is no longer sufficient; proficiency in digital tools is becoming equally important. Similarly, onshore roles are evolving — traditional jobs are transforming, and new positions like cloud experts and AI specialists are becoming crucial.

This is exactly what our team at LHIND are driving forward: The implantation of innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, automation, big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing are revolutionizing traditional maritime roles. These topics have been widely covered on this blog in the past, where the integration of digital products and services, known as Shipping 4.0, melds human expertise with cutting-edge technology.

Despite the significant role of automation in enhancing safety and efficiency, the human element remains irreplaceable, excelling in complex decision-making and critical assessments that technology alone cannot fulfill. This synergy between human and machine not only enriches job satisfaction but also opens new avenues for innovation within the maritime industry. Let’s take a closer look at an example: The New Routing Engine.

LHIND’s New Routing Engine for a Shipping Company

Previously, the process of responding to customer inquiries at our client, a big shipping company in Hamburg, was cumbersome and manual. Staff had to sift through extensive databases and paper trails to assemble shipping routes and calculate costs. This method not only delayed response times but often failed to find the most cost-effective solutions for the company.

This synergy between human and machine opens new avenues for innovation within the maritime industry ©Niklas

This scenario transformed dramatically with the introduction of a new routing engine developed in collaboration with LHIND. This advanced system utilizes a Java-based graph database integrated into the existing Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP), pulling real-time data from various sources. This integration allows the routing engine to efficiently calculate the most effective routes and costs associated with each customer inquiry.

The routing engine automates the process of routing selection based on real-time data. It evaluates multiple factors, including rates, service availability, and cargo-specific restrictions like Dangerous Goods and container types. This capability ensures that the routing suggestions are not only fast but also compliant with all relevant regulations and optimal in terms of cost and efficiency.

Advantages for the shipping company and its employees:

  • Reduced Workload: Automation routine processes, like routing and pricing inquiries, significantly decreases the manual effort required by the sales team.
  • Increased Speed and Precision: Responses to customer inquiries are faster and more accurate, enhancing customer satisfaction a competitive edge.
  • Cost Control: With real-time cost calculations, the system ensures transparency and helps maintain budget adherence, optimizing financial outcomes.
  • Employee Satisfaction: Streamlined processes reduce stress and allow employees to focus on more strategic tasks, leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity.

By harnessing the power of digital tools, LHIND’s client not only enhances its operational efficiency but also improves the work experience for its employees, aligning with the broader goals of Shipping 4.0. For our client, the shipping company Hamburg Süd, we achieved the following results in total:

  • Real-time data utilization for optimal route and cost calculation.
  • Significant reduction in manual processing of inquiries.
  • Enhanced accuracy and responsiveness to customer needs.
  • Cost efficiency and transparency in operations.

Future Perspectives in Maritime Digitalization

As we look towards the horizon of the maritime industry, the journey into Shipping 4.0 continues to unfold with promising vistas. The fusion of advanced technology and human expertise, which has already begun reshaping the maritime landscape, promises further innovations that will not only streamline operations but also enhance the strategic roles of those involved.

Emerging Trends and Development, LHIND is already working on:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Utilizing IoT and big data analytics, future ships could predictively manage maintenance needs. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and extends the lifecycle of valuable equipment, optimizing operational efficiency.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI will further enhance decision-making and operational efficiencies across various aspects of shipping. This technology revolutionizes how maritime operations are conducted, ensuring smarter, safer, and more efficient voyages.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Training and simulation using AR and VR could become more prevalent, providing crew members with realistic, immersive training scenarios that enhance preparedness for real-world challenges.
  • Green Technology: Digital tools will play a crucial role in optimizing routes and operations to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. This shift not only adheres to global environmental standards but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for sustainable practices.
  • Enhanced Autonomy: As technology progresses, we can expect ships to become even more autonomous, capable of self-navigation with minimal human oversight. This advancement will likely extend to complex logistics and fleet management.
  • Enhanced User and Customer Experience: Providing more intuitive interfaces and real-time tracking of cargo not only enhances comfort and convenience but also empowers customers with the ability to monitor their shipments, adjust schedules, and manage.
The synergy between human ingenuity and technological advancement is our most valuable asset

Amidst these technological advancements, the role of the human element in maritime operations remains paramount. The expertise, judgment, and decision-making capabilities of maritime professionals ensure the effective integration and oversight of technology, maintaining safety and compliance standards. As we navigate the vast and ever-evolving seas of digital transformation, the synergy between human ingenuity and technological advancement is our most valuable asset.

Let the experts speak: Next steps

This partnership is essential in steering the maritime industry towards a future where efficiency and innovation coexist sustainably with human expertise. The journey of Shipping 4.0 is not just about reaching new technological heights but also about ensuring that every member of the crew is equipped and empowered to thrive in this new era. It starts with small steps, like the ability to communicate with your family on the ships via video call.

In the next few episodes of our blog, we’re giving the experts a chance to share their thoughts: Shipping professionals offer unique insights into the ongoing process of digital transformation in the shipping industry, from seafarers sailing global waters to shore-based employees. See you then!



Lufthansa Industry Solutions
CARRIERS OF TOMORROW — Updates on Shipping 4.0

Lufthansa Industry Solutions (LHIND) is an IT service provider headquartered in Norderstedt, Schleswig-Holstein in Germany.