Introducing the CVTX Ecosystem
Pioneering Sustainable Gaming Consumption

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7 min readNov 10, 2023


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CVTX ecosystem is a functional platform designed to enhance the gaming experience and promote sustainability. At its core, CVTX serves as the primary currency within the Carrieverse ecosystem, allowing for the exchange of in-game assets. Our primary goal is to offer players an enjoyable entertainment experience while contributing to the value of CVTX and generating demand.

Within our gaming environment, you’ll find two primary in-game assets: CELEB and CURIO, which can be acquired through in-game missions and economic activities. These assets have established consumption avenues.

Through active engagement in our gaming ecosystem, players naturally contribute to the increasing value of CVTX. Our objective is to create a space where gaming enjoyment aligns with the appreciation of CVTX’s worth, promoting a mutually beneficial relationship.

The CVTX ecosystem is a step toward a more sustainable and interconnected gaming world. Join us on this practical journey, where gaming meets financial opportunity, and let’s explore this digital frontier together.

The fundamental value of a game is fun. Carrieverse, drawing upon its successful experiences in Web 2 games, aims to provide enjoyable and well-crafted Web 3 games. In Web 3 games, there is a certain level of desire among all users to earn money and extract value. However, it is essential that the game can be sincerely enjoyed without a financial burden, and there needs to be a balance of player incentives through participation and investment.

We have prepared various quests, allowing players to create fun and financial value through achievements. Furthermore, through the upgrade of existing Land NFTs and the release of various upcoming game-related NFTs, we are enhancing our services to ensure that our assets can be used in various ways.

2. Our Token Design

In our efforts to establish a sustainable game economy, we have focused on numerous areas. Tokenomics plays a pivotal role, and we have contemplated how to design it effectively. We employ a dual-token system, consisting of CELEB and CURIO as in-game currencies. These tokens have an unlimited supply and serve as mediums of exchange, used within the game and across various consumption channels. They can also be utilized for NFT upgrades or repairs (burning).

Our native token, CVTX, will have a fixed token supply of 10 billion tokens that will be distributed over time as it matures. This approach allows us to maintain a balanced and controlled ecosystem while promoting the sustainability of our game economy.

3.Carrieverse Ecosystem Currency CELEB

CELEB is the ecosystem currency of Carrieverse, a Web 3.0 social game. It can be earned through social interactions and mission activities within the Carrieverse game, and CELEB can be exchanged with CVTX, the native token of the Carrieverse ecosystem.

3–1. Ways to Earn CELEB

CELEB enriches your activities within Carrieverse, and you can acquire it through various means:

  • Quests: Players can earn CELEB by completing quests, such as fishing games, with quest limits in place to control CELEB emission.
  • Land NFT Rewards: CELEB can be obtained through rewards from Land NFTs. Lands come in three types: Residential, Industrial, and Commercial, each offering different rewards based on their properties. Players can enhance the value of their Land NFTs through unique land management. Land NFTs are also available for rental, involving CELEB consumption and acquisition during the rental process.
  • Carrieverse Influencers: We select Carrieverse influencers every three months through popularity voting. To participate in popularity voting, you need CELEB. If your voted character becomes a top influencer, you will receive a royalty. Use CELEB to purchase various items and enhance your avatar. As a Carrieverse influencer, you’ll enjoy benefits such as:
  • Admission fees for influencer-hosted home parties (influencers have discretion over invitees and participation fees).
  • Activity fees upon promotion to top influencer (paid in CELEB, swappable to CVTX).
  • Additional CELEB creation through the sponsorship feature.
  • Opportunities to purchase limited-edition special items based on your influencer rank.

3–2. Uses of CELEB

We have diversified the usage of CELEB to simulate a real-world economic environment. Interact with friends and create memories in Carrieverse while contributing to the circulation of CELEB within the economic system. Various usage scenarios for CELEB include:

  • Special Store Purchases: CELEB can be used to buy items from the special store, including special vehicles, limited-edition outfits, and artist collaboration items.
  • Land NFT Upgrades: Upgrading NFTs with CELEB yields more substantial rewards.
  • Fairy NFT Breeding: CELEB can be used for breeding Fairy NFTs.

These practical applications of CELEB enhance the overall gaming experience and contribute to the sustainability of the Carrieverse ecosystem.

4. Carrieverse Ecosystem Currency CURIO

CURIO serves as the ecosystem currency in the Web 3.0 P2E game, SuperKola Tactics. It can be obtained through battles and quest completions within the SuperKola Tactics game, and CURIO can be exchanged with CVTX, the native token of the Carrieverse ecosystem.

4–1. Ways to Earn CURIO

Players can generate income through the acquisition of CURIO. Here are various methods through which players can earn CURIO:

  • PvE Mode: Players can earn CURIO by participating in PvE mode battles.
  • PvP Victory: CURIO can be obtained by winning PvP battles.
  • Skill and Character NFT Trades: CURIO can be acquired through trading skill and character NFTs.
  • Tournament Winnings: Players can earn CURIO as prize money for winning tournaments.
  • Guild Operations: Operational funds can be obtained based on guild activities.

4–2. Uses of CURIO

To maintain sustainability in the GameFi ecosystem, securing diverse applications is crucial. We have prepared various in-game experiences and items within the SuperKola Tactics game. CURIO has several practical applications, including:

  • Character NFT and Skill NFT Upgrades: CURIO can be used to upgrade character NFTs and skill NFTs, enhancing combat capabilities in PvP mode.
  • Marketplace Transaction Fees: CURIO can be used to cover transaction fees in the marketplace, where users can sell and exchange upgraded cards.
  • Special Map Entry Tickets: Special maps with unique rewards, often as a result of partnerships and IP collaborations, require CURIO for entry.
  • Periodic Tournaments: Periodic tournaments award CURIO prizes to top-ranking players.
  • Guild Wars: CURIO is awarded as prize money and can be collected as guild participation fees in guild battles.
  • Purchase of Special Items for Higher-Level Players: Special items available exclusively to higher-level players can be purchased with CURIO.

These various use cases for CURIO enrich the gaming experience and contribute to the sustainability of the SuperKola Tactics ecosystem.

5. Cling De-Fi

We also offer DeFi (Decentralized Finance) services for our players and CVTX holders. DeFi services refer to services where coins are traded, deposited like savings, or borrowed through smart contracts. We have designed DeFi services that are friendly to CVTX holders and have created our own platform ecosystem called Cling Swap, which provides sustainable and groundbreaking interest rates. Additionally, CVTX holders can continuously benefit from Cling Swap’s staking services and yield farming. Holders who receive benefits through DeFi services contribute to the cyclical structure by expanding the CVTX ecosystem through reinvestment, ultimately leading to value appreciation.

6. CVTX’s Commitment

We are committed to going beyond mere financial innovation and are planning to create a sustainable Web3 gaming ecosystem with strong foundational utility and network effects. Our games draw valuable lessons from the past and previous mistakes in the world of P2P gaming and cryptocurrency ecosystems. We have the potential to become significant players in both the cryptocurrency and gaming ecosystems.

In particular, the increasing consumption of in-game assets will inevitably drive the demand and value appreciation of our core currency, CVTX. This means that we aim to establish a cyclical structure where players have fun, invest in the game, and reap the rewards. We want to create a structure where most users are more inclined to reinvest in the game rather than cashing out, by offering various consumption avenues within the game.

To learn more about our project, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter for updates and insights into our journey.


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Carrieverse is developing the social metaverse game "Carrieverse" and strategic RPG P2E "SuperKola Tactics" with $CVTX to fuel the ecosystem..