It’s Time to Fish Again

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2 min read1 day ago

Hello Carrieverse Residents,

With next week’s update, ‘Fishing’ — Carrieverse’s representative content, will be revamped!

Due to the overwhelming request of our residents,

Season Pass, which includes auto-fishing, and bait can be purchased with Celeb.

[Season Pass Price Update]

[Bait Price Update]

Celeb rewards for fish caught will be changed as well.

[Fish Price Update]

Residents who earnestly play can earn approximately XXX Celeb per day.
The exchange rate is expected to remain stable as of now.

You can now earn more Celeb than the Celeb you consume.

(Since fish caught is determined by probability, there may be some fluctuation in earnings.)

Although our dev team is not huge, the Carrieverse team is continuously working to revamp Carrieverse. By taking a look at various opinions and accelerating development, we are preparing for the day when all Residents can fly to the moon!🚀🚀🚀

We will introduce new content and a new ecosystem through a brand new roadmap in the near future. The roadmap will delivery additional rewards and fun for all our residents.

We hope you continue the support and love for the game and community. Thank you.


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Carrieverse is developing the social metaverse game "Carrieverse" and strategic RPG P2E "SuperKola Tactics" with $CVTX to fuel the ecosystem..