Land NFT Explained — Commercial

Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2023


Congrats if you have Industrial NFT. You can earn different incentive as leveling up your NFTs and real demand for selling your product to real Carrieverse users.

Commercial NFTs provide holders with the opportunity to open up businesses in a sense , and earn by selling items which is done automatically within the game. The earnings from the Commercial NFT is variable depending on the real-time supply and demand in Carrieverse which means that earnings will increase as the number of users grow. Commercial NFTs can be upgraded as well using $CVTX.


Commercial Area

The pictures below is the area where actual commercial NFTs are located in Carrieverse.

There’s the sign board section available for the holder to change and flex it on the Carrieverse world. Of course few words are not available to keep respectufl behavior to others.

Customize your Commercial NFTs in Carrieverse

Like Residential NFT(link), you can make your shop more beautiful and unique, you can buy various NFT’s skin in Carrieverse shop and put it on your commercial NFTs in Carrieverse. There’s various item in Carrieverse Shop. Once you purchase one of these asset, your area is updated to newly selected unique skin and shown to any visitor of your land.

How to sell your items?

1) Department store

2) Select Items you want to sell when you level up.

How to level up?

For Commercial NFTs, you can earn more incentives by leveling up your NFTs. For example, when you level up, you can produce more items so that you can increase your sales revenue. In this way, you can earn more incentives with your commercial NFTs.

Check more information on this page (link)

How to rent my Industrial NFT?

When you don’t actively playing Carrieverse, you can still earn incentive by renting your NFT to other players.

The borrower of this NFT can be any player in the Carrieverse.

Stay tuned for Pt. 4— Land Level System & Rental System!




Carrieverse is developing the social metaverse game "Carrieverse" and strategic RPG P2E "SuperKola Tactics" with $CVTX to fuel the ecosystem..