Land NFT Explained — Residential

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2023


Forever home for metaverse residents.

Congrats if you have Residential NFT. It’s now your virtual home forever.

Residential NFTs are virtual assets within the Carrieverse game. It functions similar to the real estate in the real world as well as providing holders with daily incentives and social-and-earn aspects. However, holders can only own 1 Residential NFT per account.

Residential NFT

Residential Area

In Carrieverse, there are some area for residntial NFTs. This beautiful town will be land for residential NFT holders for them to build their own home. You can buy extra skin in game to make your home looks more beautiful. Carrieverse town will become mroe colorful and beautiful when residential NFT holders make their home more colorful and beautiful.

Empty Town
When Residential NFT holders are onboarded onto Carrieverse

3 Key features you need to know about Residential NFT

  1. Basic Home in the game, CARRIEVERSE.
  2. Daily incentive plus social-and-earn aspects.
  3. One game account allows only one residential NFT.

1. Basic Home in the game, CARRIEVERSE.

To make your home more beautiful and unique, you can buy various home skin shop and put it on your residential NFT. There’s various item in House Shop.

Price in the image is not final

Customize your Residential NFTs in Carrieverse

Here’s some items that you could try on your residnetial NFT. What is your dream house?

2. Daily incentive plus social-and-earn aspects.

Daily incentive plus social-and-earn aspects. Other NFT need certain activity to get rewards, however, residential NFT holders can get rewards simply by daily check-in.

3. One game account allows only one residential NFT.

Q: Why there is limitation of Residential NFT?

A: Carrieverse’s residential NFT is different from other CARRIEVERSE land NFT, like commercial and industrial. It is provided to the holder with considerable virtual places.

Special Residential NFTs from Genesis Box

Here is the list of Residential NFT #s from Genesis Box with unique features — better location!

NFTs with these numbers will have special traits such as better location within the game

Stay tuned for Pt. 2 — Industrial NFT!




Carrieverse is developing the social metaverse game "Carrieverse" and strategic RPG P2E "SuperKola Tactics" with $CVTX to fuel the ecosystem..