Petdoc, with 98% market share of vet clinics in Seoul, joins ECA

Carry’s mission is building the world’s largest offline transaction database

Carry Team
2 min readAug 3, 2018


Offline retail accounts for 90% of all money spent, but most of the transaction data is either lost, or managed separately store by store, or across businesses in different industry verticals. Offline retail suffers from what we call “data silo problem”. Carry’s goal is to incentivize consumers to voluntarily share their anonymized transaction data to build the world’s largest offline transaction database.

We are excited to announce Petdoc, a software service provider that has 98% market share of Seoul’s veterinary clinics, is joining Enterprise Carry Alliance as a device provider.

The pet industry in South Korea sees double-digit growth annually, with more than one out of three households owning pets. This amounts to more than 10 million pet owners in Korea, according to 2017 report on Korean pet industry co-published by Korean Pet Foods Association and Gallup Korea. Korea Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) forecasted the size of Korean pet market to grow to $5.3 billion in 2020, 30% of which is going to medical services.

Petdoc is backed by Korea Animal Hospital Association and Seoul Veterinary Medical Association, and connects 3,200 veterinary clinics to its pet-owner users. Petdoc provides to its users real time medical consultation directly from veterinarians, and also shopping, funeral, and training information. Petdoc developed into go-to pet owner’s community, and a must-have application for pet owners.

With Petdoc joining as one of the earliest members of ECA, Carry potentially lets 10 million pet owners to gain control of their data, and this presents a massive opportunity to advertisers who wish to target pet owners.

Each ECA partnership will enable Carry to penetrate into different offline retail market segment. Partnering with established device providers in each market segment is the fastest and most effective way to increase coverage in the offline world. Once device provider partnership is secured, CRE will be used as an incentive for consumers to start sharing offline data.

CRE tokens glue together consumer’s disconnected data that resided across different businesses. Carry makes consumer’s connected data more valuable than the sum of its parts.

Stay tuned for future ECA updates!



Carry Team

Carry is a protocol that powers the next generation of apps for offline retail. Own your own data! Website: