The Agile Development: How E-commerce Companies Stay Competitive

CARS24 Technology Blog
CARS24 Engineering Blog
4 min readOct 5, 2023

by — Adil Rafi (Technical Program Manager)

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, consumer preferences shift like quicksand, technology evolves at breakneck speed, and market trends change rapidly. To survive and thrive in this dynamic landscape, e-commerce companies need more than just a great product — they need agility. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of Agile development and how e-commerce companies use Agile methodologies to stay competitive.

The Need for Agility in E-commerce

E-commerce is more than just setting up an online store and waiting for customers to roll in. It involves a constant process of improvement, innovation, and adaptation. Customer expectations are high, demanding seamless user experiences, lightning-fast deliveries, security, and personalised interactions.

In this environment, traditional development methodologies like Waterfall can be cumbersome. They require extensive planning upfront, often resulting in slow development cycles that can’t keep up with the rapid changes in the e-commerce landscape. This is where Agile steps in.

Agile: Outline

Agile is a mindset and a set of practices that prioritise flexibility and collaboration. At its core, Agile breaks down large projects into smaller, manageable pieces, known as “sprints.” These sprints typically last a few weeks, resulting in a potentially shippable product increment.

One of the key principles of Agile is its adaptability. It allows e-commerce companies to respond swiftly to market changes and customer feedback. Here’s how it works:

Customer-Centric Approach: Agile puts the customer at the center of development. E-commerce companies continuously gather customer feedback, making it easier to prioritise features and improvements that matter most to their users.

Flexibility: Agile development embraces change. Agile teams can pivot quickly to adjust their product roadmap if market conditions or customer needs shift. This agility is crucial in the ever-evolving e-commerce space.

Collaboration: Agile encourages cross-functional teams to work together closely. Developers, Testers, Product, UI designers, and other stakeholders collaborate throughout development, ensuring the final product meets technical and business requirements.

Continuous Delivery: Agile promotes the delivery of smaller, incremental updates rather than waiting for a massive release. This means e-commerce companies can roll out new features and improvements more frequently, keeping their offerings fresh and competitive.

The Agile Advantage in E-commerce

So, how does Agile confer a competitive edge in e-commerce?

Faster Time to Market: Agile enables e-commerce companies to bring new features and products to market more quickly. This speed is critical when responding to changing customer demands or market trends.

Enhanced Product Quality: Continuous testing and business/user feedback in Agile development lead to higher-quality products. This results in fewer issues, less downtime, and ultimately, happier customers.

Improved Customer Experience: Agile allows e-commerce companies to iterate on their websites and apps continuously. This means that they can optimise the user experience, leading to increased conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Adaptation to Market Trends: In the e-commerce world, trends come and go rapidly. Agile’s flexibility ensures that companies can quickly adjust their strategies and offerings to capitalise on emerging trends.

Cost Efficiency: Agile can help e-commerce companies avoid costly late-stage changes by addressing issues early in development. This leads to cost savings and better resource allocation.

Case Study: Cars24

Cars24, a leading Autotech company streamlining and revolutionizing the sale, purchase, & financing of pre-owned cars in India, UAE, Thailand & Australia, is a prime example of Agile in action. They continuously use Agile methodologies to enhance their Mobile App, & website, add new features (like Financing options) and experiment with innovations like car delivery via Helicopter in Sydney, Australia.


In the fiercely competitive world of e-commerce, agility is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. Agile methodologies provide e-commerce companies with the tools they need to swiftly respond to changing customer needs, market trends, and technological advances. By embracing Agile, these companies can survive and thrive in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

