big things

Steven Carse
tales from the popsicle stand
1 min readOct 30, 2015

So this week we opened our first “Brick & Mortar” location. The King of Pops Bar and Good Grub. Instead of showing up with a pushcart, we’ve got a regular schedule and are learning all about new topics like food margins, shared rent and customer flow.

True, it is only 183 square feet and only has two walls, but we couldn’t be prouder.

It feels like a big deal, and along with that feeling comes the paranoia of failure. We have infinite questions, and no real way to answer them. Only time.

After only being open a handful of days, we’ve already seen some success. We are making sales, and people are excited to talk to us.

That said, it’s not enough. I enjoy doing the work. I want to do the work. And I also want to snap my fingers and have it be the best 183 square foot pop bar that dips pops in chocolate and sells amazing grilled cheese sandwiches, salads with produce from our farm, and cocktails inspired by our pop flavors, with a full bar, not to mention canned wine, and low priced beer and liquor options to attract the industry crowd, plus a few craft options and just a couple non-alcoholic punches that we make from scratch, that ever existed.
If you know anyone working on one of these send em my way.

