A day in the life of a product designer at Carta

Chloe Thai
Carta Design Team
Published in
6 min readNov 8, 2022

Hello hello! My name is Chloe.

I’m a product designer based out of San Francisco, working for Carta’s Venture Capital team since January 2021. My team makes it easy to automate running a venture capital fund by building fund administration tools. Beyond the inner workings of my team’s responsibilities, I love being a product designer at Carta. Working on a wide variety of complex and challenging problems within the financial-tech industry allows me to bring entirely new experiences to life by talking to users, mapping out their journeys, and crafting the visuals of a final product.

Carta’s return-to-office policy allows me to work from the office two days a week. Let me take you through a typical day as a product designer…

view of highrises
The view of Fidi + Chinatown from one corner of the 24th floor 🏙

8:45AM Arrive to the office + get settled

It takes me 30 minutes to commute into downtown’s financial district where our office is located. I love the energy FiDi has in the morning! Our office lives inside of an amazing high-rise building with unbeatable views of the city.

I get settled at my desk and do my morning rounds — say hi to my teammates, make an iced oat latte, and collect my breakfast. My team sits together in a pod of about 50 Cartans amongst the entire Venture Capital R&D and Delivery organizations. This is only one part of the office — we have hundreds of people across multiple floors in SF, which is our largest office.

a desk with various items on it: a laptop plugged into a monitor, headphones, coffee, water bottle, and mousepad
My daily setup — laptop + monitor, trackpad for Figma work, notebook + pens for ideas, headphones for focus time, and multiple beverages to stay hydrated!

9:00AM Map out plan for the day

When I’m back at my desk, I like to write out a plan of what I’d like to accomplish for the day. I also catch up on Slack messages and emails. I tend to have most of my meetings in the morning, and reserve my afternoons for heads down time.

a google calendar showing half of the day in meetings, half of the day with focus time
My general calendar 🗓

10:00AM Scrum team meeting

Within Venture Capital, I’m on a scrum team called Formations. My team primarily works on US legal entity formations for SPVs and funds. We focus on onboarding work around legal incorporation, generating legal documents, and bank account creation. There are 6 members on my team spread across SF, NYC and Seattle — 1 product manager, 1 engineering manager, 3 engineers and 1 designer (me).

Every scrum team within the Venture Capital business unit runs their scrum meetings differently — for us, we track our work on Jira and go over in-progress work and bring up any questions or blockers daily. We’ll start the week together setting goals on Monday, and have retros Friday afternoon giving kudos, reflecting on what could be improved, and assigning any action items required.

One exciting recent development for my team is that Carta acquired Vauban this summer! Carta covers US formations, and Vauban will help us expand formations internationally to the UK, Luxembourg, and British Virgin Islands. My team has been directly working with them on the integration between our two companies — it’s been challenging navigating an ambiguous problem area like this, but I also appreciate working with my product, engineering, and business counterparts to build the integrated vision from the ground up. Some examples from the design perspective I’ve had to think about include: combining design systems, the user experience switching between two platforms, combined product selection, and many more. Since Vauban is based in London, our team has been able to make a trip across the pond twice this year to meet and work on deliverables together in person! 🇬🇧

a corner of the office with desks, coats, and the vauban logo on a brick wall
The old Vauban office in Shoreditch, London

10:30AM Venture Capital Product + UX team meeting

Every Tuesday, the product designers, design technologists, and product managers of my team meet to discuss ideas, challenges we’re facing, or request feedback for designs or product briefs. Our 2023 theme is “Making Magic”, so we recently ran an exercise answering the question “What are some magical experiences and products we can build to do so?”.

a meeting room with a table, chair, and tvs
My favorite room to take meetings from (primarily bc it’s next to the snacks 🍎)

11:30AM Lunch 🍽

We have catered lunch while we’re in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are large dining spaces in the SF office and it’s a great way to meet new Cartans from across the company! Fun fact: Every Carta office has a freezer fully stocked with ice-cream🍦

a freezer full of a variety of ice cream types
daily question of which item to pick 🤔
a crowded lunch room full of people
The lunch room during company day, our quarterly company celebration!

12PM VC Got Talent

On Tuesdays, we move from lunch to meeting rooms for VC Got Talent. These are presentations that gather hundreds of Cartans — spanning across R&D, sales, and fund administrators with the purpose of demoing features and collecting feedback. It’s a great way to stay updated on what other teams in our business unit are working on and provide visibility to your work. On Wednesdays, we have a chance to share our work company-wide at a weekly Show & Tell.

As a product designer, I’ve demoed my work in VC Got Talent by using many different forms of design fidelity. From initial user flows, to medium-fi and high-fi mockups — I always receive valuable feedback and guidance. A unique aspect of our business unit is that we are designing products for both external stakeholders like General Partners (GPs) and Limited Partners (LPs) of venture funds, as well as our internal stakeholders like our fund administration and implementation teams dedicated to client service.

view of a full meeting room with a meeting on the tv
One of many meeting rooms booked for VC Got Talent

1–4:30 PM Focus time

I do my best to keep half of my days available for dedicated working time. My daily tasks vary depending on the stage of the project(s). Some days I’ll be white-boarding initial ideas, working heads down in Figma, writing documents, creating journey maps, conducting user research, or preparing presentations for meetings and design reviews.

a sunny room with a couch and table someone is working from
Enjoying the sunshine from the game room ☀️

Design Review

We have weekly design reviews with the entire 50+ person design org, and business-unit specific design reviews another day of the week. The overall design org reviews are a great way to gather new perspectives outside of your business unit with divergent high level thinking, as well as provide cross-functional visibility to your work. The business-unit specific design reviews are excellent for getting detailed feedback from your teammates who understand the nuts and bolts of the problem you’re trying to solve.

a spreadsheet with projects signed up for design review
Anyone can sign up for design review at any stage of work. Playing in the open (& sharing your work) is one of Carta’s operating principles.

Afternoon Walk/Social time

In the midst of my focus time block, I’ll normally walk around downtown with another designer to grab coffee/a snack. It’s nice to get out of the office and explore the surrounding area! Design team social events are also generally in the afternoon. We host a variety of events ranging from games like Skribbl and Geoguessr to teach-ins and speaker series.

designers in a room together on a call playing a drawing game online
Our most recent design team social playing Skribbl, a drawing game ✏️

4:30–5PM Wrap up day

As I wrap up my day, I’ll review what I completed for the day, and schedule remaining tasks I need to do on my calendar. Around this time, people will also start making plans if anyone wants to hang out afterwards — our team has social events after work that are completely optional, but personally feel very refreshing to me after 2+ years of remote work.

a group photo of 10+ people
SF design team after a pottery class! You can find me in the front, second from left 📸

We’re hiring!

And there you have it! If this day in the life sounds exciting to you, Carta is hiring! You can also follow us on Instagram.



Chloe Thai
Carta Design Team

designer, dabbler, doer 🍓 // senior product designer @ carta