Cartalyst Report 28

Forging Sentinel (Week 28 of 52, 2014)

Cartalyst Work Reports


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Week 28

Head up, shoulders back. Not only does this help our posture but keeps us looking forward. As such our back’s are healthier and our progress astounding. Let’s break it down.


A few weeks ago we announced the rebranding of our Sentry Package. This would allow us to devote the proper care and attention to an important package. Last week that care began with Suhayb Wardany and here is our progress.

  • Persistences are separated into their own table, making persistence checks more efficient and allowing storage of additional data alongside every persistence record.
  • Improved permission handling, addPermission, updatePermission and removePermission methods have been added.
  • Single persistence mode, allows users to enforce a single session per user, all other sessions will be destroyed.
  • Groups renamed to roles.
  • We have added our first addon, unique passwords. You can now force a user to use a password they have never used.


Settings in addition to composite-config are an important aspect of Platform. We’re pleased to announce that Bruno Gaspar has taken this package under his wing. You can expect some great things very soon like.

  • Ability to pass validation patterns
  • Creating settings will be more object oriented vs arrays

Composer Installers

Sometimes we get a bit too focused on Platform that we overlook the original purpose of a package. Composer Installers has been revamped, documented, and true to purpose. You can now specify exactly where you want your dependencies to install from and you are no longer restricted to platform specific packages!

Having our newest team member Christopher Pitt has already been a great experience as reflected with this package.



Cartalyst Work Reports

We build framework agnostic PHP libraries for developers.