Cartalyst Report 30

Getting it done (Week 30 of 52, 2014)

Cartalyst Work Reports


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Work gives satisfaction and we love the work we do. Let’s get to it, quite a lot to cover. No seriously, A LOT to cover.

Developer Q&A

Hosted every last wednesday @ 6PM UTC, active subscribers will be able to ask questions, raise concerns, and help guide the direction of Cartalyst. An invite email will be sent a few hours before each event with instructions. If you have a question you can tweet to @cartalyst or submit via email with subject Q&A.

Continuous Integration

Success! Over the next month we’ll be updating packages to include PHPCI. Continuous integration will allow us to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. It will also assist in accepting pull requests from the subscriber family. We’re very excited and hope you enjoy!


Since consolidating our support channels and switching to a new help desk we have served over 442 support tickets. One of the most underestimated benefits of choosing Cartalyst is the great support you get with our packages. As a subscriber you have access to three channels of support.

Improved Documentation Typography

Documentation Updates

We have improved the look and feel of our documentation mainly with typography and navigation flow. This however meant refactoring all of our documentation to be more consistent. We’re working through them as fast as we can and should be completed by weeks end however you will notice some navigational issues on some packages.


What better way to start a new quarter but with new packages! We promise new packages every quarter. We have never fallen short.

Filesystem (formally media)

The Media package was renamed to Filesystem as the name fits the functionality better, the Media package will still be available for 2 weeks, from today, and will be completely deleted after, so we recommend the usage of the Filesystem package instead, the functionality is the same, but the name is different.


We continue at a brisk pace to release Sentinel stable by the end of July.

  • Consistency updates.
  • New tests and increased code coverage.
  • Permission documentation added.


The support package contains traits and functions that are commonly used throughout our packages and extensions.


  • EventTrait: Provides the common methods we use to add and fire events on our extensions.
  • RepositoryTrait: Provides some methods we use on repositories such as setModel, getModel, createModel.
  • ValidatorTrait: Common validation methods.


An abstract class that provides a validation base that can be reused for different scenarios.


Version 1.0.1 released with an improvement on setMetaData() method. New to Cartalyst Cart? Check out the demo and the documentation.


We improved the invoices metadata to behave correctly with the Stripe Invoice metadata. Made code and consistency tweaks. New to Cartalyst Stripe? Check out the documentation.


Attributes will start utilizing traits, which doesn’t come in the way of extending another model. For example, the Platform Users extension, the `User` and `Group` models can extend the default sentinel models now instead of having to duplicate the models so that the former attributes `Entity` model could be extended.

Implementing an `interface` and using a `trait` on your model is all you need to add attributes support to your model.

Platform RC4

Progress as calmed a bit with the fallback to bootstrap w / less. Our templates are in progress and UI/UX should be presented first week of august for subscriber review.


The filesystem package will now have system settings for your Platform application. This will allow you to set sftp details for file creation / manipulation purposes.

Content Extension

We’re preparing for some new features associated with our filesystem package. As such the content extension has been updated, and the /public/content folder has been moved to reside inside your theme next to your pages folder.

Media extension

We’re improving how uploads behave and you’ll be able to create some really nice filters for file manipulation. Here is an example.


return [

‘styles’ => [

‘thumb_40x40' => [

# Forcing style to only the following mime types
‘mime-types’ => [
‘image/gif’, ‘image/jpeg’, ‘image/png’,
‘width’ => 40,
‘height’ => 40,
‘filters’ => [


‘wall_800x600' => [

# Forcing style to only the following mime types
‘mime-types’ => [
‘image/gif’, ‘image/jpeg’, ‘image/png’,
‘width’ => 800,
‘height’ => 600,
‘filters’ => [






Cartalyst Work Reports

We build framework agnostic PHP libraries for developers.