Adios, seasoned and new Ethereum explorers at ETHBogotá. See you SF!

A recap of how Cartesi contributed to educating and empowering the community to build decentralized systems — with Cartesi Testnet Alpha.

Cartesi Foundation
9 min readNov 1, 2022


From one incredible hackathon in Boston to the biggest hackathon in Latin America ever, the #buidl-ing never stops! Energized by the passion of the Web3 community that came to Bogotá for ETH Global’s hackathon and the long-awaited Devcon, it was a week full of exploration for Cartesi.

From new developers diving deep into The Blockchain OS tech to expanding our network with leading projects shaping the Web3 space as we know it, thank you Ethereum community for your warmth and curiosity, it was an honor to take part in a phenomenal week of learning!

So, if you’re wondering what hackers have been building on The Blockchain OS, or what projects we collaborated with during our week in Bogotá, don’t stop reading!

Hello, ETH Bogotá hackers.

What do you get when you gather 1400 attendees (900 of them hackers) from 62 different countries all together in one venue? An immense amount of creativity and 212 dazzling new projects making their Web3 debut. Huge applause and thanks to the ETH Global team for putting together a fantastic hackathon, allowing us to onboard fearless and experimental Web3 hackers to Cartesi tech.

With 31% of hackers from LATAM, it was great to also deepen connections with the LATAM developer community following our events at ETH São Paulo and Blockchain Rio in September and Ethereum Rio in March — can you believe they were all this year? Make sure to check out the recaps linked if you’re new to our community!

Welcoming next-generation DApps on The Blockchain OS.

Here’s to the daring developers breaking new ground at ETH Bogotá. It was awesome to see teams using Cartesi tech to bring their DApp ideas to life and add to the vibrancy of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Thank you to all the developers who explored our track and let’s give them a well-deserved congratulations! Take a look at the winning projects from our hackathon track:

3rd Prize — Terrarium

  • A project protecting endangered species from poachers and empowering wildlife conservation.
  • Utilizing Cartesi’s computational model helps in segregating and bringing in a consensus amongst the species selections and related mechanisms of Terrarium’s DApp.
  • It’s thrilling to see increased innovation in blockchain’s application — in this case combating poaching practices and providing an equal opportunity to 8.7 million approximate species of plants and animals in existence.

2nd Prize — Proof of Mentorship Protocol

  • A dynamic NFT gated platform to connect community members open to mentoring other members based on specific topics and skills.
  • The team supported by H.E.R. DAO used Cartesi to reduce gas costs that would otherwise be required to register every single update to the dynamic NFTs users hold on Mainnet. Instead, all of these changes take place in the Cartesi Machine and are updated in batches at a later time.
  • Winning 2nd place in our track adds another hackathon bounty to H.E.R. DAO LATAM’s already impressive portfolio. We’re sure their win will encourage many other women to take their first steps into Web3 — hello to a diverse DApp ecosystem for all.

1st Prize — Frmandy

  • A fully on-chain NFT mint using Cartesi and Ethereum smart contracts.
  • Using the Cartesi framework to add Rust code to the Ethereum network was an impossible feat made possible with Catesi Rollups and brought to reality by the Frmandy team.
  • Now, minting expansive PNG libraries on Ethereum? Easy with Cartesi’s handling of computational loads off-chain and Rust’s established set of libraries.

Hello, long-awaited Devcon VI.

Geared toward Ethereum’s builders, creators, and thinkers who wish to improve this world, Devcon was an extraordinary 4 days filled to the brim with inspiring talks, discussions, and panels led by a diverse range of people shaping the Ethereum ecosystem as we know it.

Programming at Devcon takes a holistic approach and aims to engage all attendees not only via talks and panels but also workshops and freeform learning sessions. Cartesi connects with builders in person and underlines the holistic approach in all we do, that’s why Nathalie spoke at DevCon about how to be more inviting as Web3 space to newcomers, regardless of gender, orientation, or experience. Alongside this, it’s great to also see our impact in action — we were able to support Hacker Moms from the H.E.R. DAO network to come and build at ETH Bogotá.

If you weren’t able to make it to Devcon in person, did you know that all the sessions are now published on their website? Milton and Carlo from our tech team especially loved the panel, Frontiers of Autonomous Worlds featuring gubsheep (OxPARC, Dark Forest), Kevin Ho (Optimism), Alvarius (Lattice), Justin Glibert (OxPARC and Lattice).

“It was a really interesting panel and there were some very good aspects about designing autonomous worlds that were discussed, like evaluating which assets make sense to be shared among different worlds — for instance, it doesn’t make sense for a Lamborghini to be used on a space shooter.” Carlo, Lead Solution Architect.

Humberto from Business Development also recommends, Fixing the Internet with Layer 2 Governance. “It makes us think about the mechanisms the industry has been using, their flaws, and how they can be improved. Optimism’s Ben Jones is also quite the showman, explaining a new and more humanized way to interpret Blockchain Governance!”

Hello, Cartesi Hacker Home.

We opened our doors to the global Web3 community coming to town for both ETH Global and Devcon, inviting hackers to come #buidl and everyone in the vibrantly diverse space to come and learn more about how Cartesi tech helps developers bring refreshingly new DApps to the Ethereum ecosystem.

Collaborating with new projects and old friends within the Web3 space, here’s a quick recap of all the events we hosted in our home:

Bringing together developers across the Ethereum community with a women’s brunch hosted together with H.E.R. DAO.

We kicked off our H.E.R. DAO sponsorship with a brunch to connect with women developers and pioneers in the Web3 space and introduce them to Cartesi tech. Core Developer, Gabriel gave a fantastic deep dive into Cartesi’s optimistic rollups technology while co-founder Erick and Core Developers from Cartesi answered everyone’s questions about Cartesi Rollups and chatted about new ways to bring more women from Web2 to Web3.

Inviting the worldwide Ethereum Community to join us with our online Python Workshop

For Web2 and Web3 developers not just in Bogotá, but world-over, we held a live, interactive workshop to show how you can use Python for smart contract development. Our Core Developer, Carlo was joined by The Blockchain OS pioneer, Marcus from Locus who explained how and why he brought Machine Learning to blockchain.

Want to take a deep dive into what Marcus built with Cartesi tech? Check out our article and explore our pioneering developer series:

Exploring the new Internet of Trusted Things era with IoTeX

Cartesi and IoTeX’s combined forces can add transparency to the Internet of Things world, tackling the oracle problem and allowing decentralized complex data processing with our combined solution.

That’s why we were excited to team up again during Devcon and invite Larry Pang, Head of Business Development over at IoTeX to join us in sharing a mix of educational content, tangible use cases, and an open discussion on IoTT technology with the wider community.

Catch up on the replay here:

Thank you also IoTeX for inviting us to recap Devcon together over on Twitter Spaces alongside friends from Ephere Football and Axelar Network

If you missed the session, you can catch up with Head of Business Development, Bruno’s key takeaways, and more with the replay:

Coffee with Cartesi over on CoinTelegraph

For our community and everyone else who couldn’t make it to Devcon, we aired a very special episode of Coffee with Cartesi over on CoinTelegraph.

Live from Devcon, Cartesi Head of Marketing, Nathalie hosted a session with Erick and Colin exploring how to open the door for blockchain mass adoption and make next-generation DApps a reality. We also invited Nathan Hill, CEO of Crypto Magazine who shared interesting insights on how this could affect the crypto market.

And we can’t have Coffee with Cartesi without coffee! With every place we travel to, we love learning about local culture (Hello, Tejo night!) and connecting with community experts and creatives. This time, we invited a coffee expert from Colombia’s renowned coffee scene to share 3 delicious types of brews — let us know if you were inspired to try out a new roast from Colombia after this session!

Hello, Testnet Alpha!

Last but definitely not least, we were beyond excited to announce the launch of Cartesi Rollups Testnet Alpha!

What better moment to launch it than during Devcon, the biggest Web3 tech event of the year? It’s a long-awaited step forward for everyone involved, from core contributors to our global community.

We took the moment to explain the why, how, and most of all who and what: who is already building on top of our Testnet Alpha, who is lined up to start building from next week, and what kind of DApps they will create, check it out:

And of course, we couldn’t have done this without the ever-inspiring support and contributions of our community! Thank you everyone — we’re looking forward to seeing what great, decentralized applications will be built with Cartesi tech and are excited to contribute to Ethereum’s growing ecosystem!

Looking to learn more as a Web3 developer? Make sure to sign up for our workshops at upcoming events:

And there’s more to come! If you’ve got an event you’d like to see The Blockchain OS at, let us know over on our socials and we’ll see if we can make it.

About Cartesi

The Blockchain OS, is building Cartesi Rollups, a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components.

  • Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain;
  • No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem;
  • No network gentrification;
  • Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains;
  • Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain

Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.

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