Aetheras is building the next generation of blockchain games with The Blockchain OS.

Using Cartesi Rollups to pave the way to the next level of blockchain games.

Cartesi Foundation
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


Cartesi is thrilled to announce a partnership with Aetheras, bringing the next generation of blockchain-based games into the hands of people the world over. As a contributor, Aetheras will demonstrate why Cartesi’s Blockchain OS is essential in the blockchain game industry. Now that blockchain games are picked up by more and more mainstream developers, we need to solve blockchain’s restrictions regarding programming languages and processing capabilities.

Aetheras aims to connect virtual worlds within gaming and solve problems surrounding game alliances, ownership, and gaming freedom. From joining our panel “Venture into Blockchain Gaming and Development” in 2018, Aetheras is a blockchain company with experience in and deep of understanding of game development, making them the perfect partner to expand Cartesi’s blockchain game ecosystem.

Empowering communities.

At Cartesi we want to build a better and fairer world for all. Aetheras’ blockchain, is designed specifically for game developers with the belief that developers should be onboarded gently, and have little exposure to the complexities of blockchain programming in order to truly allow the blockchain gaming industry to take off. With an open-source community, developers are empowered to fully execute their visions without limitations such as team size or technical expertise.

Why Aetheras’ contribution to The Blockchain OS is important

Aetheras will help showcase the capabilities of Cartesi technology to developers both in mainstream and blockchain game development, we hope to inspire the next generation of blockchain games to be created with Cartesi technology and via gaming, accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology into the mainstream.

For gamers, this holds many benefits. The more decentralized the game, the more protected the values and assets used within it are. Cartesi offers an increased capability to program NFTs with logic that can respond fast to in-game situations. Therefore, games produced using Cartesi tech will have a richer and deeper NFT engagement inside the gameplay. With the use of Aetheras technology, gamers will also have the option of continuing to earn rewards for a certain game even while they’re playing another associated game. This gives players the flexibility to explore different games, without the worry of losing their hard-earned in-game assets.

Interested in learning more about decentralized gaming? Check out our blockchain gaming miniseries:

What’s to come

Over the next months, the Aetheras team will be working to launch a new blockchain-based game. We’ll make sure to keep our communities updated on the progress, in the meantime, make sure you don’t miss out on updates and other exciting news, by following Cartesi on our social media channels.

About Aetheras

As software developers, Aetheras aims to create software to improve lives, whether through solving problems, providing entertainment, or both. We believe that blockchain technology offers the world huge opportunities for innovation with its ability to promote transparency and fairness.

Find Aetheras on Discord | Twitter | Github

About Cartesi: Home to what’s next

Cartesi is the first OS on the blockchain, and their Layer-2 solution integrates Linux and standard programming environments to blockchain. This allows developers to code scalable smart contracts with rich software tools, libraries, and services they are used to.

Cartesi bridges the gap between mainstream software and blockchain, welcoming millions of new startups and their developers to blockchain by bringing Linux to blockchain applications. Cartesi combines a groundbreaking virtual machine, optimistic rollups, and side-chains to revolutionize the way developers create blockchain applications.

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Photo Courtesy of Ron Lach.

