Announcing our New Partnership with Newfang

Colin Steil
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


Newfang is a new Decentralized Cloud Storage Platform for Web 3.0 Applications, powered by the EOS Blockchain. Newfang helps developers offer their users privacy and ownership of their data and remain resilient to data breaches/censorship. Their decentralized access control allows users to share encrypted files with other users, apps, organizations, and revoke them when needed, along with storing the data on the users’ platform of choice.

Newfang and Cartesi are engaging together to explore the integration of each other’s technology. Newfang will study using Cartesi as a computational layer on top of Newfang’s storage system. In addition, Cartesi will look to support Newfang as a decentralized file-sharing system.

“We are excited to be working with Cartesi. Making the developer and user experience seamless is a top priority for us and Cartesi is a great fit to offload intensive computations without sacrificing on speed, user experience, and security” — Newfang

Partnering with Newfang will allow Cartesi DApps to easily integrate decentralized access control of files with secure storage, allowing for new use cases and more possibilities for DApps.” — Cartesi

