Cartesi is Partnering with IMPA

Colin Steil
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2021

We’re creating a Cartesi Lab for applications and R&D with a world-renowned mathematics research institute

The Cartesi team is pleased to announce a significant partnership with the Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics — “IMPA”). IMPA is a world-renowned mathematics research institute and the premier research and educational institution of Brazil in the field of mathematics.

Established in 1952, IMPA’s aims to stimulate scientific research, the training of new researchers, and the dissemination and improvement of mathematical culture in Brazil and, in 1971, IMPA became the first mathematical institution in Brazil with a mandate from the Federal Council of Education to award master’s and doctoral degrees.

IMPA has been home to some of the most talented mathematicians in the world, including the likes of Maurício Peixoto and Elon Lages Lima, an influential figure in the development of mathematics in Brazil. IMPA is also well known for its Fields Medal winner, Artur Avila.

The Cartesi Lab

Cartesi will be partnering with IMPA to create a Cartesi Lab, working with aspiring PhD’s and professionals who will contribute to research and development activities, expanding on new or existing projects the Cartesi team is currently working on. The activities performed in the Cartesi Lab will focus on further expanding and improving existing Cartesi products, as well as performing in-depth R&D within several industries including blockchain technology and decentralized computing.

We are immensely proud to be working alongside some of the smartest minds in mathematics, and Cartesi will benefit greatly from utilizing the combined knowledge and expertise possessed by individuals currently located at IMPA.

Smart operations, smart contracts, and even smarter people

This exciting new partnership with IMPA will initially see a physical space created for R&D, along with the hiring of a secretary and two professionals to begin operations within the Cartesi Lab. Operations will then expand significantly after everything is set up and progress is made, with the long-term goal for Cartesi to introduce classes and curriculums at the Lab.

The partnership reflects Cartesi’s continued efforts to bring our technology to mainstream researchers, developers, and organizations. Partnering with top universities and research institutions is a big move in the right direction and it will allow Cartesi to gain exposure and opportunities for collaboration with those leading and teaching research in blockchain, mathematics, and development.

This is the first step toward additional partnerships with academia, corporates, and government bodies across the globe.

About IMPA

IMPA (Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics) is a world-renowned research institution and a graduate school connected to the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, Communications, and the Ministry of Education.

About Cartesi

Cartesi is taking smart contracts to the next level. It is a chain-agnostic layer-2 infrastructure, solving the pressing problem of scalability on the most important blockchains. Most notably, Cartesi implements a unique Linux-supporting VM, rollups, and side-chains to revolutionize the way developers create blockchain applications, allowing them to use mainstream software components.

