Cartesi Team Update — #4

Colin Steil
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2018

Another great month of updates from Cartesi. Check out what we’ve been up to below!


The Cartesi team is now finishing its final month at Chinaccelerator. We’ve spent the past month focusing on building even more B2B connections for adoption, developing our open source strategy, and focusing on a pipeline for technology integrators.

We will be pitching at the Chinaccelerator Demo Day as an end to the on the ground program on December 5! Make sure to stay tuned for a link to the live stream.


The Core of Cartesi keeps progressing steadily. Have a look at the most remarkable updates:

  • We rolled out the first working prototype of Cartesi Core! It’s a simpler version than the Whitepaper specs — it has no DAG definition or dispute resolution yet.
  • To prove this milestone works, a sample application was created. It ships an SQLite database on the Cartesi Machine. Multiple nodes can pass arbitrary SQL query commands, which are kept and appended on a smart contract. At any point, any Cartesi Node can run the whole batch of queries from the smart contract and come to a common final machine state. Other Cartesi Nodes running the same queries will come to the same machine state.
  • This sample application proves the determinism and production of the same Merkle Tree Root Hash on different Cartesi Machine instances, running on different computers. Cool eh?
  • We achieved the first glimpse of the emulator’s log for the execution of the step() function that will be used by the RISC-V smart contracts during the Verification Game. To take it easy on our Solidity guys, for now, we are only using a simple ROM image with a program that has only a few instructions.
  • This execution log shows all state accesses as Read|Write, specifies the register name (if register) or memory, and the respective address. The machine Merkle Root Hash of each state access is also shown. This is precisely what the on-chain RISC-V emulation will need to reproduce a microprocessor instruction.

Partners and Early Adopters!

We are continually looking to help other businesses and startups build with Cartesi. Interested in joining us or learning more? Contact us at

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements soon!

