Cartesi’s April 2023 Recap

Check out the updates you don’t want to miss from this month.

Cartesi Foundation
7 min readMay 1, 2023


May 1st 2023 — thank you to all the amazing BUIDLers of the Cartesi ecosystem!

That’s a wrap! After an exhilarating journey, our first-ever online global hackathon has officially ended! With over 200 registered buidlers, it has been an extraordinary experience witnessing the immense talent and dedication displayed by all the BUIDLers who participated. We cannot emphasize enough the sheer magnitude of appreciation and admiration we have for each and every one of you. Throughout this hackathon, we’ve been blown away by the projects being built using Cartesi tech. Massive kudos to you all!

And of course, a massive congratulations to the winners. Your contributions have not only left a mark on this hackathon, but have also contributed to the broader Cartesi ecosystem and the future of DApps.

Want to see the winning projects in action? Catch up with our closing ceremony replay to see project demos:

And that’s not all that happened in April! Keep reading to hear more…

Wen Mainnet?

As Cartesi Rollups is approaching a mainnet-ready stage, the ecosystem is on the verge of a new era. But, what does Mainnet ready mean? Read up on that and more in our 2023 Ecosystem Update, where we present a brief summary of recent developments and highlight some of the exciting new initiatives currently in progress:

Decentralization incoming!

Exciting things are happening across the Cartesi ecosystem! The Cartesi Community Grants Program was in full bloom during April with the first proposal passing through to the voting stage. This marks the first major effort in encouraging community participation in governance!

Stay tuned for further announcements on the Decentralized Painting Canvas on Cartesi Rollups Proposal…

Our efforts towards decentralization are progressing — as noted in our ecosystem update, we’re making moves to piloting a guild program aimed at acknowledging and rewarding community contributions! The objective is to motivate both developers and community members to actively engage in expanding the Cartesi ecosystem. More on that to come…

Transparency is key! Did you miss the unlock of the foundation reserve? You can read more about it in the updated transparency report:

Our development recaps are evolving…

As also covered in our 2023 Ecosystem Update, we’re making moves to increase transparency, encourage idea sharing, foster greater collaboration, attract new contributors, and further grow the Cartesi ecosystem — but how? The Cartesi Foundation is actively encouraging all grantees to migrate more technical discussions to public Discord channels.

This month, we’ve been restructuring our Discord channels to allow all Cartesi community members greater transparency into the development process. From there, you’ll be able to directly see regular updates from development teams, not just covering Cartesi’s core technology but also updates from Grantees within the Cartesi ecosystem.

Still prefer a summary of all the updates from that month? Don’t worry! Alongside giving you the choice to read updates direct from the people working on building the Cartesi ecosystem, we’ll also round up all the important news and developments in a monthly ecosystem update for your convenience 😉 …stay tuned!

In the meantime, make sure you join our Discord Community so you can see the changes as they happen:

Onboarding the future Web3 generation.

We want to say thank you to the students from NEEEICUM — Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores da Universidade do Minho and NECC — Núcleo de Estudantes de Ciências da Computação. We had the opportunity to host an introductory workshop exploring the potential of Cartesi’s tech to bring their DApp ideas to life on the blockchain. It’s amazing to be working with students to nurture builders of the future and bring in a fresh perspective to this ever changing space!

That’s not all for our student endeavors. Not a fan of huge hackathons? How about a mini hackathon? Big kudos to Core Contributors Zach, Lyno and Arthur for their exceptional efforts in ensuring the success of the SMU — Southern Methodist University Mini Hackathon in Dallas, TX.

With Lyno onboarding the students and offering prompt assistance whenever needed, Arthur providing extensive mentoring on Discord, and Zach being there in person to further assist the students, they had everything they needed to succeed!

Core Contributor Arthur providing virtual mentoring.

And succeeding they did! Check out a post from one of the students about her experience:

Another day, another hackathon. Round 2 of the #KingofDevs hackathon by Think and Dev has come to an end. Kudos to core contributors Carlo and Arthur who made sure to be on hand providing mentorship to budding builders!

And let’s give a big shoutout to Core Contributor Gabriel, who deserves recognition for conducting a series of workshops this month. With the ETHKL Community, Gabriel demonstrated the extensive capabilities of Cartesi technology to Malaysian developers keen to build the next big thing in Web3. Alongside core contributor Zach, Gabriel led yet another workshop with RedHat’s Blockchain Community of Practice! We were thrilled to see attendees fully engaged with the presentation and even more excited to see Red Hat’s host, Oleg, getting up and running with Cartesi in under an hour!

If at this point you’re still thinking: ‘’Okay, but what is Cartesi?’’. We won’t be offended, we promise! We’ll totally not encourage you to read House of Chimera’s thread explaining Cartesi. Absolutely not!

Cartesi Features

  • Chainstack — Missed the Twitter Spaces with Chainstack where Core Contributor Omran, Max, and Gabriel dove into the Cartesi tech? You can find a replay here.
  • House of Chimera — Want to hear more about Cartesi and what we do? Check out this discovery Twitter Spaces where Core Contributors Carlo and Omran introduce you to our tech, here.
  • Moon Mag Magazine — Curious about how Cartesi is driving the future of blockchain? Read all about our work in the latest issue of Moon Mag Magazine. Don’t miss out on the insights and knowledge in this read!
  • BeInCrypto What do we do? Bridge the gap between traditional and decentralized development. How do we do it? Read all about it in this article by BeInCrypto.

Explore Upcoming Events

Want to learn more as a Web3 developer? Come #BUIDLwithCartesi at upcoming events.

From hands-on workshops to help you build your first blockchain application with Cartesi technology, to inspiring panel discussions, or maybe even a chance to chat with one of our core contributors and grab some cool Cartesi swag, take a look at upcoming events you can catch us at:

Don’t wait until the hackathon starts to get going! All you need to know to get started building with Cartesi is in our hackathon kit:

And there’s more to come! If you’ve got an event you’d like to see Cartesi at, let us know over on our socials and we’ll see if we can make it.

If you’re interested in developing with Cartesi tech, working with the team, or hanging out in our community, don’t forget to join us on Discord. We keep building no matter the market conditions. If you’re looking for a new opportunity to be part of the blockchain revolution, welcome yourself home to our community and explore our job openings.

Want to stay up to date? Make sure to join our announcements channel on Telegram or follow our Twitter.

About Cartesi

Cartesi is an application-specific rollup execution layer with a Linux runtime. Cartesi Rollups can be deployed as a layer 2 (on top of Ethereum), as a layer 3 (on top of Optimism, Arbitrum, zkEVM chains, etc.), or as sovereign rollups. It opens up the design space for more expressive and computationally intensive blockchain applications.

  • DApps are deployed on their own customizable application-specific rollup chains;
  • DApps don’t compete with each other in Cartesi’s ecosystem for scarce blockspace;
  • Cartesi provides Ethereum or L2’s with orders of magnitude more computational capacity;
  • Developers can code decentralized logic with their favorite libraries, compilers and other time-tested open source components;
  • DApps preserve the strong security guarantees and censorship resistance of the underlying blockchain;
  • Cartesi Rollups opens up the design space for more expressive and computationally intensive blockchain applications;
  • Cartesi Rollups can be deployed as a layer 2 (on top of Ethereum), as a layer 3 (on top of Optimism, Arbitrum, zkEVM chains, etc.), or as sovereign rollups;

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