Cartesi’s February 2023 Recap

Check out the updates you don’t want to miss from this month.

Cartesi Foundation
6 min readFeb 28, 2023


February 28th 2023 kickstarting the hackathon season with ETH Denver and Cartesi’s online global hackathon!

ETH Denver’s in full swing and we’re also gearing up for our first global online hackathon that kicks off March 25th! But that’s not all that happened this month. From continuing celebrating and growing our communities across the world, we also connected with Python lovers in Austin, Texas, introducing Cartesi tech and Ultrachess to builders looking to jump into Web3.

We’re also excited to see how rich the rollups ecosystem is getting and excited to be a part of it, getting on the radar of Messari analyst Stephy Dunbar. If you want to better understand the difference between global consensus and application-specific consensus in the process of verifying and validating transactions, we’ve put together a simple video explainer to check out and share:

Inspired by the possibilities after watching the video? Whether you’re a developer or just enthusiastic about Cartesi tech, come share your ideas about what could be built with Cartesi Rollups and contribute to our idea repository.

We also hosted some great community sessions in the run up to ETH Denver! Showcasing the brilliant projects built with Cartesi (from previous hackathons to pioneers of Cartesi tech), if February flew by for you, make sure to keep reading to catch up:

Hello, Cartesi Community Grants Program.

For developers looking for support to get their ideas off the ground, and for Cartesi enthusiasts interested in helping shape our developing ecosystem, we’re excited to announce the Cartesi CGP: Community Grants Program!

The CGP is a community-driven program to fund a broad network of contributors to help build and expand the Cartesi ecosystem. Reflecting a broader movement towards Cartesi’s decentralization, the Community Grants Program is a step forward in providing increased community involvement in the grants selection process. Learn more:

Development Updates

The #BUIDling never stops! Asides from the developers starting to explore Cartesi tech at hackathons, Cartesi core developers are also hard at work. If the latest development recap slipped under your radar, make sure to catch up here:

Hello, Global Online Hackathon

The #BUIDL market is well underway and we’re fully embracing the conditions! We’re incredibly excited to host our very first online hackathon, offering a $15,000 prize pool (not to mention a special swag package for winners…) and welcoming developers worldwide to develop a proof of concept decentralized application using Cartesi Rollups.

Whether you’re a seasoned BUIDLer, or just dipping your toes in blockchain tech, our hackathon is open to all — no matter where you’re located! Bring your friends to form a team, or come make new connections around the globe and #BUIDL the next big thing in Web3:

Baseline Show

Hosting industry leaders and inviting them to share their insights, Cartesi core developer Gabriel sat down with The Basline Show to chat all things Optimistic Rollups and how Cartesi tech can support various enterprise ecosystem players.

Launched under the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) Community Projects program, Baseline Protocol enables enterprises to use blockchain technology for facilitating private, secure and complex business processes. It was a lively discussion with great arguments made from all sides, don’t miss out and catch up on the replay!

Community Updates

On our way to ETH Denver, we hosted two sessions for curious builders, a Community Spotlight Session where we invited previous hackathon winners and developers building exciting things on Cartesi to share and introduce their projects. For those inspired and bursting with ideas, we followed up with a Technical Bootcamp where core developer Gabriel walks you through how Cartesi Rollups work, setting up development environments as well as hands-on coding exercises.

To provide even more support for builders, we hosted a Twitter Spaces session all focused on tips for making your hackathon experience a great one! Inviting an ETHDenver judge, experienced #BUIDLathon winners, devs & community managers all hyped about BUIDLing made for a session packed with invaluable insights! Whether you’re currently at ETH Denver or plan on participating in a hackathon this year, make sure to check out the session replay:

Explore Upcoming Events

Want to learn more as a Web3 developer? Come #BUIDLwithCartesi at upcoming events.

From hands-on workshops to help you build your first blockchain application with Cartesi technology, to inspiring panel discussions, or maybe even a chance to chat with one of our core contributors and grab some cool Cartesi swag, take a look at upcoming events you can catch us at:

And there’s more to come! If you’ve got an event you’d like to see Cartesi at, let us know over on our socials and we’ll see if we can make it.

If you’re interested in developing with Cartesi tech, working with the team, or hanging out in our community, don’t forget to join us on Discord. We keep building no matter the market conditions. If you’re looking for a new opportunity to be part of the blockchain revolution, welcome yourself home to our community and explore our job openings.

Want to stay up to date? Make sure to join our announcements channel on Telegram or follow our Twitter.

About Cartesi

Cartesi is an application-specific rollup execution layer with a Linux runtime. Cartesi Rollups can be deployed as a layer 2 (on top of Ethereum), as a layer 3 (on top of Optimism, Arbitrum, zkEVM chains, etc.), or as sovereign rollups. It opens up the design space for more expressive and computationally intensive blockchain applications.

  • DApps are deployed on their own customizable application-specific rollup chains;
  • DApps don’t compete with each other in Cartesi’s ecosystem for scarce blockspace;
  • Cartesi provides Ethereum or L2’s with orders of magnitude more computational capacity;
  • Developers can code decentralized logic with their favorite libraries, compilers and other time-tested open source components;
  • DApps preserve the strong security guarantees and censorship resistance of the underlying blockchain;
  • Cartesi Rollups opens up the design space for more expressive and computationally intensive blockchain applications;
  • Cartesi Rollups can be deployed as a layer 2 (on top of Ethereum), as a layer 3 (on top of Optimism, Arbitrum, zkEVM chains, etc.), or as sovereign rollups;

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