Cartesi’s June 2021 Development Recap

Q2 Milestones Imminent!

Colin Steil
2 min readJun 16, 2021


Development Updates

During the last month, the Cartesi team continued testing and completing work on the upcoming Q2 Milestones. Major developments were:

  • Cartesi Rollups: Continued implementation and testing of Cartesi Rollups. Our Rollups are maintained by a set of Cartesi Nodes and this month we are putting together the final pieces of this infrastructure. The smart contracts are being tested up to every corner, final improvements on gas savings are being added and we are writing some mock versions of our services in order to help with testing and building our Wallet frontend.
  • Rollup Machine Manager: Finished the gRPC interface and started the Rollup Machine Manager and the test client implementation.
  • Noether’s PoS Delegation system: Final tests and improvements to staking pool smart contracts. Integrated tests with Noether’s pool node and Explorer using the Goerli test network. Internal and external auditing. Implementation of pool management (and creation) using Cartesi Explorer and Metamask. We are now working on articles and finishing the testing phase for the public launch soon.
  • Cartesi Machine: Continued progress on the development with improvements and bug fixes on the machine emulator and Solidity machine step. Finished the benchmark to float point operations in the emulator and included clang-tidy (linter) to machine-emulator CI. Ran Golang tests using floating-point inside the Cartesi Machine and created through unit tests for the Lua bind to the Cartesi Machine. Started work on the C wrapper for the Cartesi Machine C++ class.
  • Cartesi Governance: We launched Cartesi Governance: Cartesi Improvement Proposals. Read the full article here!
  • Continued implementation of Cartesi’s new decentralized poker game. The full Poker DApp technical article will be released at the end of the month.

If you’re a skilled engineer and interested in Cartesi, make sure to head over to our career openings or send an email to

We highly encourage any developer willing to use or collaborate with Cartesi to contact us on Discord. See you there!

