CTSI is Now Integrated with AnySwap!

Easily swap CTSI between multiple blockchains that are bridged.

Colin Steil
2 min readOct 25, 2021


We are pleased to announce that CTSI has been integrated with AnySwap! CTSI can now be easily swapped between supported blockchains where bridges for CTSI are in place.

CTSI currently has bridges from Ethereum to BSC, MATIC, AVAX. Swap between any of them!

AnySwap is a fully decentralized cross-chain swap protocol. AnySwap is completely trustless and can be used to bridge assets between heterogeneous Layer-1 and Layer-2 platforms.

For instructions on how to use AnySwap, please see their in-depth documentation here.

By using AnySwap, CTSI holders can now move between bridged blockchain versions of CTSI easily without having to go through individual bridges, exchanges, or back to the original ERC-20 version of CTSI first.

Swap CTSI across blockchains now: https://anyswap.exchange/#/router

Note: All integrations are done by bridges and the respective ERC-20 version is locked. There is no effect on the total supply of CTSI.

About Cartesi

Cartesi is a multi-chain layer-2 infrastructure that allows any software developer to create smart contracts with mainstream software tools and languages they are used to while achieving massive scalability and low costs. Cartesi combines a groundbreaking virtual machine, optimistic rollups and side-chains to revolutionize the way developers create blockchain applications.

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