CTSI is Now Listed on Binance’s Liquid Swap with a CTSI/BNB Pool!

Colin Steil
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2021

We’re excited to announce that CTSI is now listed on Binance Liquid Swap with a CTSI/BNB liquidity pool.

Binance users can now add liquidity to the CTSI/BNB liquidity pool and get a share of 200,000 CTSI in yield-farming rewards. Users will receive regular yield-farming rewards when the rewards of 200,000 CTSI are distributed.

For more information on Binance Liquid Swap, adding liquidity, and risks involved, please see Binance’s official announcement.

About Binance Liquid Swap

Binance Liquid Swap is a liquidity pool developed based on the AMM (Automatic Market Maker) principle. It consists of different liquidity pools, and each liquidity pool contains two digital tokens or fiat assets.

You can provide liquidity in the pools to become a liquidity provider and earn transaction fees and flexible interest.

Also, you can swap two digital tokens or fiat assets in the liquidity pools easily.

About Cartesi

Cartesi is taking smart contracts to the next level. It is solving the urgent problem of scalability and high fees by implementing a variant of optimistic roll-ups. Most notably, Cartesi is revolutionizing smart contract programming by allowing developers to code with mainstream software stacks. Noether is Cartesi’s side-chain that’s optimized for ephemeral data, providing low-cost data availability to DApps.

