December Development Recap — CTSI Reserve Mining Finishing Touches

Colin Steil
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2020

As of 2022 Descartes has now been renamed as Cartesi Compute.

Development Updates

During the last month, the team has been working around the clock on CTSI Reserve Mining and the Proof of Stake system, preparing it for the Mainnet release in the next weeks. This has involved the following tasks:

  • Careful review and final auditing of our staking contracts
  • CTSI Reserve Mining internal testing

Apart from the work on CTSI Reserve Mining and the PoS system, the additional development fronts the team worked on are:

  • Finishing touches and design of the Cartesi Explorer, to be released soon!
  • Began implementation of Cartesi Compute 2.0, which will implement optimistic roll-ups with interactive dispute resolution on Cartesi’s architecture.
  • Updating tooling for an even easier development environment for Cartesi Compute applications.
  • Technical discussions and hands-on support for Creol, SimThunder, and Carti, the 3 projects in the Incubation Program who have now all completed the first milestones towards their DApps.
  • Continued progress on a brand new game to be released early next year.

We highly encourage any developer willing to use or collaborate with Cartesi to contact us on Discord. We will be more than happy to offer you guidance.

