Hello, Cartesi Rollups Alpha 0.3.0

How we completed Milestone II on the Road to Mainnet and more in this new release.

Cartesi Foundation
3 min readJun 15, 2022


Here’s to achieving Milestone II on the Road to Mainnet. To the people who were the first to develop with Cartesi technology. To the innovators and risk-takers who are searching for the latest information and opportunities about The Blockchain OS.

We’re a step closer to opening up DApp deployment on Cartesi infrastructure for the wider developer community! Now, Cartesi ecosystem contributors are deploying their Rollups Demo DApps to Polygon’s Mumbai Testnet. They’re paving the way toward a brighter future. Soon, we’ll offer a Cartesi Testnet infrastructure where developers of all kinds can more easily and cheaply send their DApps to be deployed… stay tuned.

For the developers who can’t wait to get started, we have something for you too. The codes in our rollups-examples are now easier than ever to read. Plus with this new release, we’re welcoming Rust-lovers to The Blockchain OS with a new simple echo example. Take a look and get inspired by the possibilities of how Cartesi Rollups can be used in real-world applications.

What’s new in Cartesi Rollups Alpha 0.3.0.?

  1. Rollups Examples Updates
  • We enhanced our examples code to make it better structured and clear to read.
  • 2 new examples!
    - One new example showcasing how to send assets to the Portal and then make them available to the Cartesi Machine.
    - Our first example in Rust — this makes the onboarding for Rust developers easier and faster. It’s a simple echo example to show the basic structure of a typical Cartesi Rollups DApp.
  • We also refactored the SQLite example to show how to use the exception handling endpoint.

2. Updates to the code are expected to optimize gas fees and also improve the Portal for ERC-20 withdrawal.

3. We now have a special input (setup input) that arrives in the DApp’s backend code with the DApp address in the blockchain, which is the entry point for the Portal and any other functionalities.

4. We achieved Milestone II for Cartesi Rollups’ Road to Mainnet.

  • Our solution was successfully tested in Testnet we’re providing the instructions for The Blockchain OS ecosystem developers to deploy a Cartesi Rollups DApp to Polygon Mumbai (Testnet).

5. New additions to our developer documentation: we’ve added a Fee Manager section as well as information about the initial setup input.

What’s next

We’re happy to see The Blockchain OS’ ecosystem contributors already taking advantage of these improvements for their demo DApps. All these improvements and updates bring us even closer to the Cartesi Testnet infrastructure, start getting excited for what’s around the corner…

Want to explore the updates for yourself?

Head over to the Cartesi Github to dive right in:

About Cartesi

The Blockchain OS is a decentralized layer-2 infrastructure that supports Linux and mainstream software components. For the first time, developers can code scalable smart contracts with rich software tools, libraries, and the services they’re used to, bridging the gap between mainstream software and blockchain.

Cartesi is enabling millions of new startups and their developers to use The Blockchain OS and bring Linux applications on board. With a groundbreaking virtual machine, optimistic rollups, and side-chains, Cartesi paves the way for developers of all kinds, to build the next generation of blockchain apps.

Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.

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