Introducing Cartesi’s upgraded docs portal

Get the most out of Cartesi Rollups Alpha 0.9.0 with the revamped Cartesi documentation

Nico Shishkin
3 min readJul 4, 2023


We’re excited to announce the release of Cartesi Rollups 0.9.0 and alongside that, we’re rolling out our revamped docs portal to help you rock 0.9.0!

What’s New

The Rollups section now has a handy version selector for 0.8.0 and 0.9.0, making it a breeze for you to compare the docs across versions.

Easily switch between versions 0.8.0 and 0.9.0!

As we’re shifting gears towards a hands-on, let’s-do-this style, instead of burying you under a ton of theory, we start off with just a quick theoretical intro into our framework and the core concepts of Cartesi Rollups.

After that, we’re diving straight into the deep end, walking you through practice. We show you how to fire off requests to a Cartesi DApp, how Cartesi DApp reads outputs and how assets are handled in Cartesi Rollups. You can then lay this knowledge over the DApp architecture page, where we zoom out for a bird’s eye view on Cartesi DApp architecture.

A rundown of Rollups APIs is all collected in one spot — feel free to dive in and dig around our API details.

A thorough rundown of Rollups APIs is all collected in one spot — feel free to dive in and dig around our API details. With a heap of changes around our Smart contract APIs, we’re introducing you to the ins and outs of a DApp’s interactions with the base layer. Here, we’re serving up example API calls using curl and cast, so you can test them out with your DApps straight away. Then, we’ll take you on a tour through all the freshest changes, like the Inputbox, portals and relays.

Our GraphQL API reference has had a refresh as well as the backend API reference.

The interactive section on building DApps has been given a facelift to reflect all the 0.9 changes. A key inclusion here is our tips for top performance to help you build turbocharged DApps.

Just to round it off, we’ve put together a migration guide that’s going to be a handy resource for those running Rollups 0.8.0 and keen to transition smoothly to 0.9.0

And last but definitely not least, big shout out to our community contributors — you guys rock! Thanks to you, the Compute section’s been spruced up too.

Let’s shape the future of DApps together!

We’re hoping our supercharged docs portal is going to be very handy for those working with Cartesi Rollups.

As we’re chasing perfection, which for us means getting both newcomers and seasoned web3 gurus onboarded onto Cartesi smoothly, we’re going for a hands-on, straight-to-the-point approach. Get ready for some interactive tutorials to code and deploy like a boss.

Given that Cartesi Rollups’ success is a community effort, we’d be over the moon to hear your thoughts on the docs. Hit us up on Discord in our dedicated docs channel. Don’t hold back on the feedback — the good, the bad, and the in-between. And feel free to request any docs that you think will help you max out on Cartesi.

About Cartesi

Cartesi is an app-specific rollup protocol with a virtual machine that runs Linux distributions, creating a richer and broader design space for DApp developers.

Cartesi Rollups offer a modular scaling solution, deployable as L2, L3, or sovereign rollups, while maintaining strong base layer security guarantees.

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