January, 2021 Development Recap — Onwards to Cartesi’s Optimistic Rollups

Colin Steil
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2021

As of 2022 Descartes has now been renamed as Cartesi Compute.

Development Updates

During the last month, the team worked diligently and delivered CTSI Reserve Mining and the Proof of Stake system before the end of the quarter. This involved the following tasks:

Apart from delivering CTSI Reserve Mining and the PoS system, the additional development fronts the team worked on are:

  • Preparing to release Cartesi Compute 1.0. This version comprises several improvements, notably the removal of the limitation of two validator nodes. Now, developers can build DApps with several validator nodes, preserving any-trust guarantees.
  • Continuing implementation of Cartesi Compute 2.0, which will implement optimistic roll-ups with interactive dispute resolution on Cartesi’s architecture. This will allow smart contracts to be coded with mainstream software. Watch for a detailed article on this coming soon!
  • Architecture and design decisions for Noether, Cartesi’s data availability side-chain.
  • Technical discussions and hands-on support for Creol, SimThunder, and Carti, the 3 projects in the Incubation Program. Creol and Carti have now completed their second milestones.
  • Continued progress on a brand new game to be released at the end of the quarter
  • Continued progress on other low-level developments, including improvements to the emulator, verification game testings, and the new Dispatcher module
  • Rework and evaluation of our roadmap for 2021 and the future, to be released soon

We highly encourage any developer willing to use or collaborate with Cartesi to contact us on Discord. See you there!

