June Monthly Report — Cartesi Compute SDK & The New Beginning

Colin Steil
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2020

As of 2022 Descartes has now been renamed as Cartesi Compute.

July 2nd, 2020 — The Cartesi team is one step closer to realizing the objective in which we set out to achieve, becoming the operating system for DApps. The recent launch of the Cartesi Compute SDK Portal represents a tremendous leap forward in fulfilling the ambition in bridging the world of Linux open-source software, with the inherent security benefits of blockchain technology.

In addition to the Cartesi Compute SDK Launch, we’ve redesigned our site: catering information, updating the branding and the vision of Cartesi in a more informative and clear orientation. Also, there are many more exciting additions that we’ll be making to the site in the coming weeks.

Some other completed objectives for this month included a completed Creepts contest, a heavy focus on exterior media publications for Cartesi, continued emphasis on community-generated content and an overall greater emphasis on communicating relevant information about Cartesi.

An Overview of the SDK Documentation

A screenshot of the Cartesi Compute SDK Portal

The Cartesi Compute SDK is the simplest infrastructure that Cartesi created DApps can use to run, which would otherwise be impossible or too expensive to execute on-chain. With the SDK, DApps run computations off-chain, on a full-fledged Linux environment, without compromising decentralization.

What does this mean?

  • Learn exactly how to develop a DApp with Cartesi, which unlocks massive off-chain computations.
  • Utilize mainstream Linux software stacks to build complex logic DApps.
  • Create unique decentralized game competitions.
  • Use mature and mainstream ‘Zero-knowledge — Zk’ libraries that compile on Linux.
  • Give smart access to a file system: read-open, modify, process, compress and decompress files, etc — all in a decentralized way among DApp participants, while retaining the security guarantees of Ethereum.
  • Move off-chain complex computation and save on GAS fees.
  • Process massive amounts of data that are made available by reputable and trusted data sources, all in a fully decentralized way among the DApp participants.
  • Give smart contracts the ability to verify accurately. This only occurs if a complex computational problem has been solved correctly.
  • Evaluate neural networks, solutions to NP-complete problems, and more.

The First CTSI Foundation Unlock

On July 23rd, 2020, the second CTSI foundation unlock will occur in the amount of 31,900,000 (3.19% of total supply).

Throughout the course of 2020, Cartesi is set on the course for the lowest unlock rates of all Binance IEO’s conducted, with an emission rate of 6.71% of the total supply.

Cartesi Foundation unlocks are strictly used for operational costs. These costs comprise of R&D, marketing, community development, and legal expenses.

No entity or token holder is more interested in the health of CTSI’s economy than the Foundation itself for its entire existence and longevity. The Foundation liquidates only the amounts deemed necessary, remaining careful not to disturb the secondary markets of CTSI. We will be issuing a Cartesi Foundation transparent report during the month of July.

Summary of Ecosystem Updates

Cartesi in The Media

Community Created Content

In July, we have additional exciting events and announcements to make. Our objective is to continue to grow Cartesi’s core infrastructure while communicating our technology directly to local, mainstream and institutionalized enterprises. Thank you to our community for your continued enthusiasm, big things are coming!

