March Monthly Recap: Moving Forward

Colin Steil
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2020

It’s hard to believe in light of the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent downturn of both the crypto and equity markets, that we’re only 3 months into 2020.

Despite this global uncertainty, Cartesi is still all hands on deck. We continue to progress in our: development, marketing and business development; everyone involved behind the scenes remains as vigilant as ever. We are continually optimizing our strategies and internal plans in order to meet the expectations of our community members and stakeholders, establishing Cartesi as the first decentralized operating system for DApps.

During the beginning of March, our team focused heavily on the testnet release of Creepts, the first DApp powered by Cartesi. We successfully on-boarded a host of users who assisted us in testing this innovative game and we’d like to thank them for their support. The Creepts Testnet was a massive success from a technical standpoint and a first for blockchain.

April will feature more exciting Cartesi updates including specifics around CTSI and our macro-token economy, and potentially even more exciting details about Cartesi’s future!

Major Announcements

In addition to the release of the Cartesi Lightpaper, we have a host of other positive announcements to share.

  • We had an extremely successful Creepts Community Tournament. This tournament will be the first of many Cartesi-sponsored tournaments as Creepts is developed.
  • We’ve received exceptional coverage of our release of the Creepts Testnet, including a feature on’s Twitter and Telegram channels.
  • We onboarded a New content and community manager in China to help manage our growing Chinese outlets, including WeChat.
  • We’ve focused Cartesi marketing efforts on India in light of their recent legalization of cryptocurrencies. With this announcement and Binance’s recent $50 million investment into India, we expect the Indian crypto market to continue to grow rapidly. Our team also recently published our AMA with Cryptoverse India, highlighting our commitment to this emerging market.
  • We are engaged in various incentivized contests across our Korean and Chinese communities.


We’re excited to announce a new Cartesi partnership with GoBlock. GoBlock is a startup specializing in consulting, development, and research of decentralized solutions for high-profile enterprises. Cartesi will support GoBlock in building an Ethereum-based exchange for energy derivatives contracts. We’re proud to add GoBlock to our extensive list of Cartesi Partners and Supporters.

In The News

We’ve continued to receive positive widespread coverage of our recent developments.

We remain as committed as ever to making Cartesi the standard for Linux DApp production. There are some very exciting announcements that we’ll be sharing in the very near future and we think you’ll be equally as excited as we are! Thank you for your continued support.

— The Cartesi Team

