November Development Recap — Staking Inbound

Colin Steil
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2020

As of 2022 Descartes has now been renamed as Cartesi Compute.

Development Updates

During the last few weeks, the team has been working diligently on the Proof of Stake and preparing it for the Mainnet release later this quarter. This has involved the following tasks:

  • The initial phase of auditing of our staking contracts
  • Ongoing tests on Goerli with cloud node instances
  • Preparation of installers

Aside from fine-tuning the PoS on Testnet and preparing the Mainnet deployment, there are multiple development fronts:

  • Implementation of the Cartesi Explorer is ongoing
  • Multi-party support for Cartesi Compute nodes has been concluded. With that, off-chain computation with multiple validators is now possible
  • Concluded the specification of Cartesi Compute 2.0, which will implement optimistic roll-ups with interactive dispute resolution
  • Several infrastructure and maintenance tasks, updating of packages to use Hardhat, standardizing on-chain packages, and updating Cartesi Compute to Solidity 0.7v
  • Continued redesigning of the Dispatcher module and improvements on the de-hashing device
  • Technical discussions and support for the 3 projects in our Incubation Program
  • Continued progress on a brand new game with one of our partners

We highly encourage any developer willing to use or collaborate with Cartesi to contact us on Discord. We will be more than happy to offer you guidance.

