September Development Recap — DApp Incubation Program Begins and Proof of Stake Prototype Inbound

Colin Steil
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2020

Calling All Developers! Launch of Cartesi DApp Incubation Program

In line with our recent SDK releases and improvements on the Cartesi infrastructure, we are beyond excited to announce the Cartesi DApp Incubation Program in partnership with Gitcoin. A 3-month program that will reward the three most successful DApps with more than $80K total for building a Cartesi DApp.

Have you been watching our updates and are interested in building on Cartesi? Apply now!

Development Updates

During the past weeks, the team’s focus has been completing the Proof of Stake prototype. That comprises essentially finishing the implementation, tests and packaging of worker nodes, developing a minimalistic staking UI and launching a small set of nodes on Ethereum Testnet. We will also release an article with details on Cartesi’s PoS and mining rewards by the end of the quarter.

Important advances on testing: refactoring of the Cartesi Machine emulator’s test script, more regression testing, near 100% test coverage on the partition, verification game and memory manager smart contracts.

Additionally, there’s a lot of ongoing infrastructure work including:

  • The coding of the dehashing device (more detailed information on the dehashing device will be published later);
  • A major redesign of the Dispatcher module;
  • Mine Reserve DelayedWithdraw contract. With our upcoming mine reserve tokens coming available in preparation for the start of our Q4 goal of Mining on Mainnet, a contract is needed to disperse these over a set amount of time with security and transparency functions. The full details will be revealed in a future transparency article;
  • The team has been evaluating new blockchains that Cartesi will support. Integration work has begun on an important addition and an announcement will be made in the near future.
  • Migrating solidity codebase to 0.7.0.
  • Migrating tooling from truffle to buidler.

We highly encourage any developer willing to use or collaborate with Cartesi to contact us on Discord. We will be more than happy to offer you guidance.

