The New Design Space in NFTs

A look into how Cartesi lets NFT projects get more complex and creative.

Cartesi Foundation
1 min readAug 24, 2023


NFTs became one of the most exciting, successful, and controversial web3 use cases a few years ago, almost overnight. It’s not hard to see why because everybody would like to “own a piece of the Internet.”

Imagine owning your Facebook profile and taking it elsewhere if you don’t like the platform anymore (along with all your connections). Imagine owning music again. Imagine owning — not a .jpeg — but art that creates (and recreates) itself. Despite all the exciting artwork, PFPs, and everything happening with NFTs, the ownership part is not exactly true for most projects yet.

If you already know what we’re talking about, start building NFT projects with Cartesi and see how this can actually happen.

If not, keep reading the new Cartesi blog to see what we mean.

