Welcome to Cartesi: Cynthia, Dandhi, Jathin, Arthur.

Get to know what skills and experience our 4 newest contributors are bringing to Cartesi.

Cartesi Foundation
4 min readDec 13, 2022


To lead, support and push Cartesi’s mission to build a better future, we’re thrilled to welcome four new talented individuals to the project. Get to know the newest contributors and why they chose Cartesi as their new home:

Cynthia Rosemarie Gliga, Community Manager

Cynthia is a passionate community builder with an educational background in Communication and PR. She is among one of the first Meta Certified Community Managers in the world and has led various communities and initiatives within the women empowerment space, as well as commercial & merchandise branded communities.

Her immersion in the crypto world since 2018, made her acknowledge that decentralization and multi-platform community building are essential for adapting to modern realities, as communities are becoming an asset in itself.

Previously working for a blockchain marketing agency, Cynthia has been involved in growing and scaling communities for different well-known crypto projects. She understands the decisive role that communities play in supporting blockchain projects to realize their full potential and is excited to help Cartesi achieve this goal!

“A blockchain OS is what will push the decentralization of Web3, by onboarding a wide range of new developers. Computational and content scalability is what will ultimately push the adoption. Pair both and there is no greater mission in the blockchain space! Cartesi is truly a home to what’s next and I aim to be a voice for empowering the community in thriving and accelerating the project’s impact and accomplishments!”

Dandhi Widiadamarrama, Front-End Developer

Dandhi is a versatile Front-end developer with 5+ years experience designing, developing and managing professional websites and internal portals. Focusing on VueJS and React as a stack, has enabled Dandhi to pick up new skills quickly. He also has strong experience with modern web technologies, JavaScript/TypeScript best practices and is an expert in combining the art of UI/UX design with the art of programming.

“Blockchain is here to stay, Cartesi is revolutionizing the whole space and I’m here to join the revolution.”

Jathin Jagannath, Business Ambassador

A developer at heart, Jathin has been working in the blockchain industry for the past 3 years, gaining experience developing L2 blockchain solutions and applications. He has also previously been involved in growing and scaling communities for different crypto startups and is now eager to lend his skills to growing Cartesi adoption and relationships with projects across the thriving Web3 and developer communities across India.

“Cartesi will change the way we look at secure computing applications and enable a smooth transition from Web2 to Web3.”

Arthur Vianna, Solutions Architect Intern

Arthur is finishing his degree in Computer Science and will continue his studies with a Masters. The majority of his professional experience was gained via Scientific Initiation projects during his graduation, focusing on Computer Networks and Blockchain.

He was first introduced to blockchain during a lecture in 2020 — arousing a great curiosity and interest. Since then, blockchain has become a compelling topic of interest and study for Arthur, with a special focus on scalability applications and solutions.

“I believe that the technology developed by Cartesi is a game changer, and I want to learn, participate and contribute with it.”


Let’s give a huge welcome to Cynthia, Dandhi, Jathin, Arthur and here’s to the exciting new journey ahead of them. We look forward to seeing how together, we’ll shape the future of Cartesi and advance the Web3 movement for all.

Contribute to Cartesi.

Interested in developing with us? Or want to lend your skillset to strategic growth initiatives to bring Cartesi tech to more people around the world? We’re always looking for collaborative team players! Feel free to contact us on Discord, check our current career openings, or send your resume along with an introduction to our HR e-mail: hr@cartesi.io.

About Cartesi

Cartesi Rollups is a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components.

  • Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain;
  • No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem;
  • No network gentrification;
  • Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains;
  • Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain

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