Why you should go to fancy gyms in spite of having have filter coffee from cheap roadside shops?

Aman Rana
Cartoon Mango
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2018

Do not get misled by the title and take us to be health-freaks. We have our chief strategist Dr. Ananth for that, with his preachings of healthy living and spiritual elevation. We’re just the opposite, hogs literally, gorging on pizzas and biryanis while we pull all nighters for a project and doze off on the office floors post our Xbox and Catan breaks.

Hey Machas (that’s ‘guys’ for non south Indians)! This is probably the first time you’re hearing from us. Having working, learning and literally doubling in strength every year, we’ve had a tremendous growth, backpacking from one office to another and finally we have settled and decided to grow some beard, own the rugged look and share some gyaan.

Allow me to formally introduce ourselves — We are Cartoon Mango Studio and we build digital products. You must be wondering about our work. Well not to be braggy but we’ve designed, developed and maintained the official IPL Fantasy League for BCCI for 2 consecutive years. And we’ve worked on apps and platforms for many industries but I will not rant about them over here. If you’re interested to know more you should check out our website.

Coming back to the topic — gyms, correction ‘fancy gyms’. An ensemble of old garage like walls, heavy metal in different shapes and sizes stacked all around, rubber mats throughout the floor, elaborate multi-functional machinery and latest hits to pump the adrenalin. You’ll find people of all shapes and sizes in the weirdest poses and positions with just one goal in mind-BURNING CALORIES!

I know all of this comes at a very hefty price and it’s going to grow even further as they reinvent themselves not as gyms but fitness centres and what not. But there is a way in which this can all be very affordable, you just need to expand your horizon. These gyms are a great place to meet professionals from all possible backgrounds — Entrepreneurs, Chief’s of different kinds from big corporations, influencers and sometimes even investors. Higher the cost of the subscription the better gets the network. For designers and developers who own their skills with great confidence, it’s the perfect way to cover costs for your gym subscription and much more.

Such Genius, don’t you agree? To be honest I was a little spoilt to opt for ordinary gyms. But if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have discovered this gem of an opportunity. I’m sharing this because — why not! If you don’t have a gym subscription then you should get one now and if you already have a subscription and are losing money instead of making, then you might want to consider starting a conversation with the person next to you.

Now I’ve even started to look at Tinder from a different angle altogether. My pick up lines have become very opportunistic sounding ‘wink!’. Hope I don’t push away some cute dates with this overkill. I wouldn’t want to do that.

Well, besides me there are many in Cartoon Mango that agree with this philosophy. And it’s not just limited to gyms but to startup meets, business conferences, tech and design events, etc. That’s why we encourage our team to go out and interact. In-fact we’re all packed for Kyoorius Designyatra to listen, learn and share. Hope there will be a collection of learnings and stories to share with prospective clients at the gym. Do say hi if you’re going to be there!

Also, since we’re still talking about gyms, big shout out to Gympp! Want us to help you with our digital product services? Just say Hi, we’ll do the rest.

Altsoul, BYG, Fitternity, thoughts??

